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  1. waterman

    thinking about a change

    i'm using a nft system just now and got some seed just about to im thinking about using coco soil this time for easy coco the way to go?
  2. waterman

    co2 is it needed?

    there is about 3 vents,plenty of air flowing through them lol
  3. waterman

    co2 is it needed?

    got 1,a grate big fan draws the air through a carbon filter cheers for the tips tho.i'll let you no how i get on
  4. waterman

    Watch my first babies grow, help me out (Pics)

    how much feed are you giving them?its hard to kill these plants
  5. waterman

    co2 is it needed?

    i'm growing in a 1m x1m ten ,i'm not wanting to spend a lot of money on some co2.will a big fan do?
  6. waterman

    co2 is it needed?

    hey just got 2 plants the now do you think i need co2?
  7. waterman

    training and bending

    hi i've got a 1m x 1m x 2m tent with 2 plants in a n,f,t system with a 400w light,is there any need to bend the plants? thanks
  8. waterman

    second crop is not as good looking as the first

    thank for tips i'll take note cardboard no that fancy mate no where i come from any way,its there to keep the light out from the roots
  9. waterman

    second crop is not as good looking as the first

    hi I'm currently using the n,f,t system and I'm on my second crop,first crop was amazing,friends said it was luck i say its down to sites like this it full of information.any way second crop i'm not to sure of,its white Russian they are not as good lookin at the same age as my first crop. that...
  10. waterman


    i'm grown in a small NFT system and have a spare cutting,can any buddy give me some tips on witch soil to use? i'm thinkin about using coco soil
  11. waterman

    can you flush to early?

    hi this is my first grow and i've just started to flush,how long should i flush for?i'm using the nft system thanks