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  1. matey420

    CSI humboldt thread

    She's amazing isn't she? I miss her very much.
  2. matey420

    Myth busters - the real truth on CO2 in indoor grows

    so i was wondering, if a plant uses approximately 100 ppm of CO2 per hour ( i suppose this means a mature plant), and indoor dwellings can have 600 ppm already in the air, then as long as you don't have more than six plants and you are exchanging the air in the room at least once or twice an...
  3. matey420

    Super Soil and Vortex in Colombia.

    Buenas GrenColombia, es un placer encontrarme otro colombiche , yo soy de pereira pero vivo en la usa, un placer ver otro colombiano en el foro... una pregunta, porque no utilizas la tierra de colombia para sembrar? Esa tierra es bien fertil y todo lo que en ella se siembra crece..???
  4. matey420

    Hola green colombia, yo soy de pereira pero vivo en la usa en la florida, hagale primo!!

    Hola green colombia, yo soy de pereira pero vivo en la usa en la florida, hagale primo!!
  5. matey420

    Spider mites destroying my ladies. Help.

    sorry dude, did you get the mites from the outside??