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    Chillest Place To Live In Vancouver?

    bump this, i know there's some Vancouver heads here, holla
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    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    hey im sure it works, just looks like some straight stoner shit made out of beer boxes and duct tape, found it funny.
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    can i flower with 2 five hundred watt cfls and 6 forthy watt fouresence

    i think he got the fixture with it. look in his pics.
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    **New Attic Grow**

    im not in a place to give advice, but i would say you have a lot of heat to combat, you say the garage is heated, then you got the fact that you're in an attic, so you got heat beating from above and below as well as the heat from the lamps...maybe consider night cycles, thats what i do in the...
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    **New Attic Grow**

    you're gonna need anti thermal detection like a mothafucka! and a lot of ventilation, but it looks like a sweet fucking spot.
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    can i flower with 2 five hundred watt cfls and 6 forthy watt fouresence

    i've seen those flourex shits in lowes before, always wondered what the lumen output was like. i might get some depending on how your's works, keep posting pics.
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    can i flower with 2 five hundred watt cfls and 6 forthy watt fouresence

    the more light the better homie, 100w, and a few of them, and if you're trying to make a cloner, LOOK HERE or HERE. i personally will be building the second option as soon as i can make it to the hydro shop.
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    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    hahaha, your '3 stage carbon filter' cracked me up.
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    Chillest Place To Live In Vancouver?

    me and my baby's mom are thinking about moving up to vancouver, heard great things, lots of cool job prospects for both of us, america is sucking ass right now so we thougt we'd camp out someplace that no one want to nuke, BC! so yeah we got the youngin, lookin for a house hopefully with a...
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    So I was just driving around and smokin' a blunt when...

    in front of the white house, like right in front. secret service doesn't give two fucks about weed, they got bombs and shit to worry about. and i've done this MANY times. hmmm...what else? not really a significant place, but i used to work at a recording studio, i met this one chick who was...
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    I fucked up, again :{

    GrnMan says 9, if no one speaks up soon im gonna do that.
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    I fucked up, again :{

    yeah but 9 or 12 hours of sleep weezer?
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    I fucked up, again :{

    i know...i know i fucked up BIG TIME! i've been smoking L after L all fucking day trying to emotionaly deal with this fact.moving on... 9 or 12?
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    I fucked up, again :{

    so weezer, think i should let them sleep for 12 hours or 9?
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    I fucked up, again :{

    yeah, in the tub they are in complete dark, this means i have to piss in the dark, which has gotten messy. i have the timer, it was my bad, i was planing on moving the plants in to the tub in the morning and working on the closet today so i didn't bother pluging them into the timer(which was...
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    I fucked up, again :{

    oh yeah i forgot the most important part of the question...should i let them sleep for a full 12 hours(hense changing thier usual shedule) or start them at the same time, giving them only 9 hours of sleep? hook it up. peace
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    I fucked up, again :{

    so for the second time in 7 days, i have let my flowering plants go beyond the 12 hours of light, the first time was only an hour and a half, to day was three hours. will they go hermie? experiences? and before everyone tells me to get a timer, heres why, im building a new grow room, its...
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    help with airstone

    actualy, i have a rack of questions, im starting a thread in hydro, go peep it.
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    help with airstone

    im glad you asked this i was wondering as well...i have a 18 gal res that is going to hold about 12 gallons, what size air stone and pump?
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    Aeroponic SoG

    And natural high, if it is yours, my bad. Need an intern? :)