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  1. TokinYoshi

    Most Offensive Thread Ever

    lol sorry ...overactive mind i love all you stoners
  2. TokinYoshi

    Most Offensive Thread Ever

    Projection is a psychological defense mechanism where one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else...For example; An anthropomorphic deity is the outward projection of man's anxieties and desires. Get a grip. Whether we are here for a...
  3. TokinYoshi

    Most Offensive Thread Ever

    Of course it's not their fault. But what makes them the everyday fuckers? Some sort of influence impacts on those fuckers and makes them fuckers! Could it be...BRAINWASH?! I'm not saying that there aren't people who think freely or are good hearted. I'm saying that we are all...
  4. TokinYoshi

    Most Offensive Thread Ever

    We are all brainwashed. Despite what we have learned and what conclusions we have come to we were all thrown into exsistence learning our regional stereotypical "modern day" cultures. Thus creating diversity and never truely having peace because everyone has their own fucking perspective on...
  5. TokinYoshi

    can i get my 10 week old pup high?

    I have a stoner kitty. I've had her since she was about 5 weeks...Got her high as fuck when she was about 8 weeks. She is fucking magical. She grabs hold to the side of my matress and claws around the perimeter like a fucking maniac. She attacks anything that moves and kicks at it like Lui Kang...
  6. TokinYoshi

    Is There An Afterlife?

    Personally, I don't believe in a god. The bible is astrotheological literary hybrid. You want a god, believe in the sun. You can see it and feel it. As for an afterlife, I cannot truely say. We live in the absurd ( A sphere of lifeforms floating in a black void ) So who honestly knows...
  7. TokinYoshi

    Fellow Tokers

    Hellllo I'm Yoshi. A Schizo Stoner. Always faded. :blsmoke: :peace:
  8. TokinYoshi

    Signature Bowlpacks/Joint Rolls

    Grind it up, pack it down but not too tight. I like packin nugs too. With joints, it's the pregnant "lady", according to people in Florida. I don't understand why, the snake is a little more understandable.
  9. TokinYoshi

    Im Addicted to Weed? are you...?

    lol I agree.
  10. TokinYoshi

    Favorite baked movies

    There's so many good movies to watch when blazed. My favs are: CatSoup, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Chronicles of Riddick, and Hostel 2. A movie I've recently smoked to was Zeitgeist. I highly recommend if you've never seen it. Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007 - To watch it. 1hr 56mins