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  1. T

    how old were u wen u first.....

    12/12 kinda like my light schedual
  2. T

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    dr. pepper or homebrewed sweet tea, none of that store bought crap although some of it is quite good im just cheap and dr pepper is free to me. gotta love having friends who work at convieniece stores
  3. T

    One week from seed, how do they look

    how much vertical space do you have? they look ok but i would have the lights even closer like mabe an inch away. if your vertical space is limited(i assume it is) and you plan on using those lights the whole time you should bud them soon like within the next week or week and a half. just my 2...
  4. T

    Pics of my CFL box

    get those lights closer dude
  5. T

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    mabe they dont meet the building codes in the uk that why you cant find them. dunno but mabe. you might have to have them shipped from overseas
  6. T


    rootblast. anyone ever use it? i know from exp. it works great just never used it on the ganj. is it safe? does anyone have any info. or a link mabe
  7. T

    does any one jump fences and steel weed?

    might take a small sample if i came accross some but i fuckin hate pot pirates and would never set out to steal someones hard work
  8. T


    het guys im new here. ive got some seeds from an outdoor grow that are 4 years old. they have been kept in a pill bottle at room temp, what do you think my germination rate will be? should i even bother? they are afgani x skunk#1 not that that really matters
  9. T

    160w fluorescent grow under $100 total.

    keep the same set up man just add the hid and two more plants
  10. T

    Clone from a bulb?

    those are day lillies. they are uber cheap. i dont know how well the will clone but its worth a try right
  11. T

    160w fluorescent grow under $100 total.

    fuckin awsome for some floros. just imagine if you had a 400w hps hangin in there just to top thigs off
  12. T

    The Bag Seed Experiment

    sorry about all the posts but i cant figure out the edit function. (if someone could help it would be appreciated) as far as the first plant just top it and clone ithe top. and then you could flower it like that (after veging for a few more days up to a week) or bend the stalk until it snaps...
  13. T

    The Bag Seed Experiment

    also wait a day or two, take some clones ( a goode use for those tube floros you got layinn around), and sart flowering now if your vertical space is limited. and sorry for the double post
  14. T

    The Bag Seed Experiment

    if you think thats good. add some more spliters and make each socket hold 4 bulbs. if you got a little cash handy
  15. T

    Canfilters and Smells??

    i saw the same thing on overgrow years ago. but use a clothes hamper instead of a garbage can. the holes are already in it. and 4" of carbon is way overkill. make it 2 and buy enough carbon for 4. then change it once. this will last longer