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  1. MariJoe

    A sudden, unknown problem: help!

    I guess you're right. But I still can't figure out why the other plants are doing well. I have always given them equal amounts of h2o and nutrients, and just 2 plants have this problem. Wouldn't the other plants show signs of bad pH as well?
  2. MariJoe

    How to fly high???

    Putting it in your checked luggage is a good idea. But the trade-off is that in case you encounter a cute german sheperd of the police, you're fucked, since you can't throw it away. Once on a school trip my friends and I put it all inside a colored soft-drink bottle made of plastic. As soon as...
  3. MariJoe

    A sudden, unknown problem: help!

    First of all I would like to thank any one who is helping so far. I don't think it is a matter of air circulation nor of having the lamp too close. The tallest plants are even closer to the lamp than the two plants with the problem, and are doing fine. Plus my hand doesn't get too hot when...
  4. MariJoe

    A sudden, unknown problem: help!

    I grow my plants in soil mixed with some dried clay balls. The bottom of the pots have a 5 cm layer of dried clay balls. I'll test the pH tomorrow. I water my plants every 2-3 days, or as soon as I see the plants drooping. I use regular tap water that has been left in a container for 2-3 days. I...
  5. MariJoe

    A sudden, unknown problem: help!

    I just went to check out my babies, as I noticed that two plants are getting their top leaves yellow/orangy, they feel dry, and at the top. Please check out the attached pics, any advice is appreciated.
  6. MariJoe

    O/T: Helicopters, infra-red radars, and lamps

    "...But the police have a formidable armoury. Their helicopters have infra-red cameras which can pick out the heat of the lamps - notice that snow never settles on a dope grower's roof - while nosy neighbours will report funny smells. Grow shops are at risk of...
  7. MariJoe

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone, I started looking at the site, saw it was good, then registered. There is a lot of knowledge here. Currently doing my second grow.:hump:
  8. MariJoe

    How much to water.

    What SnowWhite said is correct, I believe the way you are doing it now is the best. My logic: when the soil starts to get dry the plant slows down its growing, since it knows that to survive it needs water so it starts to save on drinking water and slows its H2O absorption rate. Therefore, I...