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  1. B

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Guys I have no weed!!! Im looking to buy a oz of someone it's gone soo dry where I live no one has enything or is able to!! Im stressed out for some bud im willing to travel for some good bud pm me if your interested in selling some.. If this is now allowed im sorry let me know and I'll delete...
  2. B

    question about the smell of fresh bud..

    Damn I hope it don't get mouldy I've got my bud on a plate in my room with the window open cause I've trimmed it up so I can't hang it :/
  3. B

    question about the smell of fresh bud..

    I hung the bud up on string for a day :/ I think I put it into the jar to quick shall I hang it up again? Or just leave it in the jar? And how do I know if it's rotting or getting mouldy
  4. B

    question about the smell of fresh bud..

    Im complete NEWB... Well the whole time I have been growing my Auto BerryRyder the smell has been so nice!! but now I've been curing it 3days in jars the smell has got pretty strange... very strong. But sickly sort of smell doesnt smell very nice and it's but it's so strong but it gives a nice...
  5. B

    is this trimmed and harvested enough?

    Question is the title im a complete newb
  6. B

    I couldn't resist!! few questions!!

    Cheers man will that taste and high get better with time?
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    I couldn't resist!! few questions!!

    I harvested my first plant today!! She was a auto BerryRyder I had two CFLs 125w the whole grow I got some good results im so excited I hung them up on string with a fan blowing around them.. I couldn't resist to try some so I got a hair dryer and dried a bud nd rolled a fat one!! The smell and...
  8. B

    Do i harvest now? COMPLETE NOOB

    SORRY for no pics guys, not able to take them atm [Stealth mode] IM a complete NOOOB So its like day 65... most of the hairs have turned a browny redish colour alot of the leaves are dying gone crispy yellowy,, its a auto BerryRyder ive been told im going to get about a half ounce of my plant...
  9. B

    How long left (newb)

    Anything else guys?
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    How long left (newb)

    Ohright I wasent exspectin much tbh first time grow with welfare setup
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    How long left (newb)

    Jesus CChrist what?
  12. B

    How long left (newb)

    Kk thanks mate.. How long left u rekon and how much yeild?
  13. B

    How long left (newb)

    I forgot to say it's 60days planted and most of the leaves are yellow and abit crusty
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    How long left (newb)

    Okay I dnt have a clue when shes going to be ready im very new to this... She's a auto berry Ryder... Iknow im not going to get much bud this grow was more of an experiment then nything so what ever I get I'll be happy I used two 125w CFL lights Cam anyone tell me how close am I till harvest...
  15. B

    Auto VS Reg seeds??

    My auto plant "BerryRyder" day 56 leaves are nearly all going yellow and crusty :/
  16. B

    Auto VS Reg seeds??

    Is it better to grow a auto or a regular seed for first time growers?
  17. B

    Is this light okay?

    I got 2 of them on one auto plant
  18. B

    Is this light okay?

    wuu2 Is this light okay?
  19. B

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Eny Irish growers caught with a plant what was there punishment??
  20. B

    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    A quarter ounce? O well like u said we all start somewhere just looking forward to rolling a fat one Dat I personally grew even if I only get 5 joints lol