Search results

  1. F

    do I qualify for med marijuna in Illinois with my ostio arthritis

    There is a Free workshop that will cover many of the finer points of the new law if you or anyone you know is interested. Here is the link to the FB event: If the link doesn't work here are the details: Friday...
  2. F

    fuck it ill be first....

    Hey guys (and gals) There is a Free workshop in Chicago on Friday that you might want to check out now. In case the link doesn't work, here are the details. Friday 7:30pm until 8:30pm Roosevelt University...
  3. F

    Seeking Master Gardner for Illinois

    Illinois HB 1 (the bill to legalize Medical Cannabis) is due to become a law by no later than August 5th. We are looking for a Master Gardner that has experience in the following: Setting up and automating a large grow op. Selecting superior genetics. Organic Gardening Extracting vital...
  4. F

    Seeking Master Gardner for Illinois

    Illinois HB 1 (the bill to legalize Medical Cannabis) is due to become a law by no later than August 5th. We are looking for a Master Gardner that has experience in the following: Setting up and automating a large grow op. Selecting superior genetics. Extracting vital components from plant...