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  1. R

    Typical Fox News on Marijuana

    This is really over the edge. I have no words to describe the closed-mindedness of Fox News and everyone related with it except WOW.. Fox News :?
  2. R

    Total DIY grow room- start to finish

    Here's the How-to I used and it gave me EXACTLY the bud I wanted- PERFECT! Medical Marijuana Education
  3. R

    Perfected Results- How to

    We all want to grow our own. This is the only way to get exactly the results you want. Here is a great site for DIY and tutorials of growing your own Medical Marijuana Education
  4. R

    You want the best?

    Grow your own. This is the only way to get exactly the results you want. Here is a great site for DIY and tutorials of growing your own Medical Marijuana Education