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  1. Z

    Transplantng question...

    It was our first grow and we didn't know squat about growing, they weren't into bloom yet but they hadn't had nutes either...I did tell hubby to loosen it but he thought that would shock it. On our second grow now and want to get it right this time.
  2. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    Well hermie was smokable, a little on the harsh side but not a bad buzz ;)
  3. Z

    Transplantng question...

    That's what we did first time around, but when we chopped them a few of the plants rootballs looked like they never left the solo cup....=/
  4. Z

    Transplantng question...

    When you transplant a house plant they tell you to loosen the rootball a little if the plant is rootbound....would you do that with a pot plant too or just repot as is?
  5. Z

    Indoor grow - fabric pots or regular pots....what size?

    Hi all..on our second grow now and want to see if we can improve on our yield. Made a few mistakes first time around but came through it okay anyways but would like to avoid some issues if possible. Have some babies about 4 to 5 weeks old and about 8 inches tall in red solo cups, what is the...
  6. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    Lol...that's okay...just more info for the next grow =) I kinda wanted to wait a few more days and see what happened but hubby bugged out so we took her down. All I care about is the final product...if it's smokable then I'm good with it!
  7. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    We decided to cut her we wait and see what the outcome is.
  8. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    I know she's not done yet...but having hermied is it even worth waiting for her to be done? If all her energy is going to seeds and not bud don't see much reason not to chop now.
  9. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    There are still alot of white hairs on it too....chop anyways?
  10. Z

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas a plant that's close to harvest...has what looks like seed pods on it but if you squeeze them liquid comes out, but I did find one with a tiny white thing inside which I presume is a seed...plant is also sprouting the yellow bananas...should I cut it down now or should I just let it...
  11. Z

    Salt buildup?

    Yeah....did a search and been reading that. Thnx.
  12. Z

    Salt buildup?

    I keep seeing the term "salt buildup" appear in threads, can someone tell me exactly what "salt buildup" will do to your plants?
  13. Z

    Cold air and spider mites....

    Was told to put an a/c in the window and leave it running overnite to get the room as cold as possible to kill spider mites....anyone ever heard this or tried it?
  14. Z

    Activated Carbon/Charcoal

    Thanks for the info.
  15. Z

    Activated Carbon/Charcoal

    Will it still absorb odors if filters or containers of it are just placed in room and not hooked up to an exhaust vent?
  16. Z

    Fuckin Sticky all over me! Help get it off.

    Lol...sounds like I have some real entertainment in my future!
  17. Z

    Grasshoppers or Praying Mantis....

    I already killed whatever it was but am also seeing very tiny bugs running around inside and outside of pots....not sure what they are. Starting to see tears or slices on some leaves too but can't find any info on what it could be from.
  18. Z

    Grasshoppers or Praying Mantis....

    Can either of these bugs hurt your plants?