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  1. SlimReefer

    is it safe to keep lights on while not at home?

    Welcome to RIU. As already stated, providing your lights don't have a risk of slipping and as long as all wiring is electrically sound then don't worry at all about leaving it. Those steps should be taken even if you spend the next 3months sat at the door to your grow room tho so i expect...
  2. SlimReefer

    My baby's a lady :)

    150 was my only choice with the space in working in, any higher would cause unresolvable problems. i think ill be able to keep heat from a 150 under control with good fan placement. I'm going to add a ft or so height to my cupboard to allow me to bring the light away from the plant...
  3. SlimReefer

    My baby's a lady :)

    A few update pics if anyone's interested. 3 weeks 2 days on 12/12 now. The burnt tips on the left side of the last photo are a result of leaves resting on the cfls, the lights have been adjusted to make sure it doesn't happen again. Also, after realizing the futility of trying to get buds with...
  4. SlimReefer

    Pistils a now show?

    I didn't see any until 4-5 days into 12/12, now my baby's covered in them. I'd suggest flip and cross your fingers.
  5. SlimReefer

    My baby's a lady :)

    Just bumping this with a couple more pictures now the pistils are visible on camera To my fellow noobs impatiently waiting on your first grow i assure you, this moment makes it all worthwhile :)
  6. SlimReefer

    My baby's a lady :)

    So i just checked on my girl before lights off and to my absolute delight discovered tiny little pistils popping up all over the place :D I was starting to worry it might be male as its been on 12/12 for 13 days and has, until now, shown no sign of pubic growth. But alas the hairs are here. As...
  7. SlimReefer

    Will these MH bulbs work?

    Haha, thanks for clearing that up. So if i was to invest in a 150w HPS ballast i could use this bulb for veg then pop in a 150w HPS for flowering?
  8. SlimReefer

    Will these MH bulbs work?

    So am i wrong in thinking that the power rating of the ballast is the maximum and it can be adjusted to suit lower rate bulbs?
  9. SlimReefer

    Beercan CFL reflectors! Cheap, easy and effective! Photo how-to guide

    Genius. My cabinets holding 6 cfls with no reflectors at the moment... looks like im getting a 6 pack tomorrow :D
  10. SlimReefer

    Will these MH bulbs work?

    This may sound like a stupid question but I'm only halfway through my first grow, using cfl's, so im not too confident in my lighting knowledge. I came across these...
  11. SlimReefer

    My friend's first setup

    Went the whole thread as "your friends" grow room then right at the end, "my room" :-/ Anyway, im a noob myself so don't take my advice as gospel but a few things.. Tomato feed is usually K heavy which may suffice for flowering but "your friend" will want something with higher N for the...
  12. SlimReefer

    Mutated leaf?

    Hi all, my girl's 5 weeks and one day old and all in all looking good. She had her top chopped 8 days ago and in my amateur opinion has recovered beautifully... I have however noticed a "deformity" on one of the new leaves... You'll notice that the leaf has grown unevenly and has "forked" at...
  13. SlimReefer

    First grow, 24 days old. How's my baby looking?

    Thread title's pretty self explanatory, just looking for some confirmation that my plant's looking healthy. Also, any maintenance tips etc. would be greatly appreciated. Strain unknown, Lights 2x 42w CFL on 18/6, Closet Temp around the 76F mark (same at canopy height) The seedling in the...
  14. SlimReefer

    New to growing anything...

    From what I've read tomatoes grow quite similar. And milk thistle. I'm as much of a newbie as you tho so don't take my word for gospel. Google could probably ping you an answer for this in seconds. i would suggest just getting some bag seed and giving one or two plants a go tho. Growing...
  15. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    Last update and I'll let this thread die. I took your advice and moved the fan closer to the plant, I also misted the leaves with some ph'd water as they were quite dry. I'm pleased to report that she's perked up nicely The temperature at the top of the plant is steady between 72-76F so moving...
  16. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    You're right, much closer to 80. There is a small fan in there, I improvise by taking the fan off a netbook cooling stand and hanging it in the top back corner of the cupboard. Apart from that there's no real ventilation tho. As its a small space, approx 1.5x1.5x2.5ft I was thinking I could...
  17. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    I've got 26*C, so around 80*F. Seems hot to me. What temp should I be aiming for at this stage of its life? It's only a small closet setup meaning I'm kind of limited to the extent I can ventilate without making it noticeable. @Csufan97 I too opted for potting up slowly, going for 2-5-10...
  18. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    A quick update, I checked on my seedling earlier and noticed that the leaves had started 'crinkling' up. The first spear leaves have also turned to a 45degree angle. As I said in my first post this my first ever grow so as far a I know this is usual but the timing means I can't help but worry it...
  19. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    I've got a couple of smaller pots so I think I'll do that. I'm far from experienced and want to make life as easy as possible for my little friend so I'll pot up orogressively I think. Thanks for the info
  20. SlimReefer

    My seedling just suffered a 14hour powercut

    That is much appreciated information, thank you. I haven't read anythin about potting up and that more than likely would have worried me and resulted in an unnecessary thread. Well prevented. While on the subject, Is going from a starter pot straight to the final 10gallon a good idea or would it...