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  1. toasty42088

    Is This Wrong?

    that is really gross. ive seen it already.
  2. toasty42088

    Females horny when high...

    nice. this happened to me and my bf the other day. :hump:
  3. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    im going to roll a blunt. grape kool aid is....
  4. toasty42088

    answer a question with a question

    whatd you do sir?
  5. toasty42088

    anyone ever buy...

    i was just wondering if anyone ever has..
  6. toasty42088

    I Once.

    hell yea. thats how i started every wednesday.
  7. toasty42088

    anyone ever buy...

    buy online? cuz i keep seeing that stupid banner thing. just curious. i would never.
  8. toasty42088

    I Once.

    i once had a one armed garbage man.....ahaha.
  9. toasty42088

    buying bud online??

    anyone ever done it? i keep seeing that stupid banner and shit.
  10. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    your mom. i am...
  11. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    little midgets bite them. i am really...
  12. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    mac n cheese... i am super....
  13. toasty42088


    sublime is the shit... waiting for my ruca...
  14. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    when i was so stoned i couldnt open my eyes.... i want a...
  15. toasty42088

    What The Most Memorable Sexual Experience You Have Ever Had?

    the best sexual expirience was when i was with a younger guy and i got to be in control and show him how things were done. he was very satisfied. and another time was when i was with an ex and we masturbated in front of eachother. it was hot. and then when we both finshed we did it. it was amazing.
  16. toasty42088

    Great Stoner Quotes

  17. toasty42088

    Great Stoner Quotes

    this happened the other day. me and some friends were all smokin and then all of a sudden no one had a lighter. but when we started everyone had one but my friend lil dan. then he hada go to work and he calls about 20 mins later and is like dudes...i got like 10 lighters. we're like wtf man.
  18. toasty42088

    Quote From When I Was High

    a couple weeks ago i was smokin with my buddy and we were pretty geeked and had the munchies. and she goes you know what would be good together? im like what? shes like chicken and bananas. i started laughin so hard.
  19. toasty42088

    Why. When You're High?

    my and my friends are always saying dude..hahaa..and aww shit.
  20. toasty42088

    Finish the sentence above you!

    hoes at... right now im.....