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  1. bryan3982

    Delete my account and posts

    delete my account delete it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. bryan3982

    Please delete all my posts and my account!!!!

    i can't find where I can :cuss:delete my account. I NEED to delete it because all these posts show up on google. someone please delete all my posts and my account and EVERYTHING. or tell me how.RWARRRRRWARARARWRARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  3. bryan3982

    Salvia sent as ""general delivery"

    im ordering a kilo of salvia and dont want it sent to my house cuz of the other ppl living with me. has any1 ever tried doing general delivery where you pick it up at the post office? how easy is this?
  4. bryan3982

    Swimmin in a sea of codiene

    my dealer wanted to buy some lortabs from me but i just wanna trade the lortabs for some good ol' dank. How much dank should i get for 15 Lortabs? (sry this is a reply to a thread but i dont know how to start a completely new thread haha):confused: u.s. dollars...
  5. bryan3982

    Ever try Cali Kush ?

    im buying an eighth of cali kush today so ill see ima try growin it to
  6. bryan3982

    How many days until the sprout breaks the surface?

    ok haha and when they do sprout , i have some miracle gro that you attach to the water hose, should i use that or is it not good?
  7. bryan3982

    How many days until the sprout breaks the surface?

    i planted them outside in my backyard
  8. bryan3982

    How many days until the sprout breaks the surface?

    this is my first time growing and on sunday i planted about 10 seeds from some "pop" outside 1/2 inch deep and i have kept the soil moist. now today is friday, whehn should i expect to see sprouts? is it too hot outide i live in dallas?