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  1. Anguissette

    I Love Women That Smoke!

    Aaah, It's nice to hear we're appreciated!
  2. Anguissette

    Really Funny Story

    Sausage rolls are amazing when you've got the munchies! I doubt any petrol station here in the UK would give them away to stoners though.. :(
  3. Anguissette

    Great Stoner Quotes

    i can remember a friend once asking me out of nowhere "do they have to wait till its a full moon before they can land on it?"
  4. Anguissette

    Big Bud Grow from seed: day 44 aeroponics

    msdsm, you take lovely photos!
  5. Anguissette

    Should queers be allowed to adopt

    I think anyone who can get through the process of adoption is more qualified to look after a kid than just any old straight guy, in fact i think everyone should have to apply to be a parent. It seems any shithead is allowed to bring life into this world whether they're going to be a good parent...
  6. Anguissette


    As far as I know, which isn't very far, I think most leafy vegetables and salad greens will be fine in partial shade as well as a lot of herbs. Fruit usually needs direct sunlight but you might get away with some of the berry type fruits. If you get at least 6 hours of light there you'll be fine.
  7. Anguissette

    Read this, see the ignorance we face!

    Fact 4: People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting. (They steal and sell what they get, all to feed their habit. ) LMAO! listening to heavy metal??
  8. Anguissette mom found my plants!

    She may well smoke it herself, but possesion and growing with intent to supply are two entirely different things, and you could get your mum in trouble aswell as yourself for growing on the premesis. You're lucky she's not turned you in. What about sitting down with your mum and having an adult...
  9. Anguissette

    The misses or the MJ

    No-one should ever give their partner an ultimatum, about anything. It shows a lack of respect. Respect is being able to express your opinion but also listening to your partner. Not just telling it like it is. I'm not advising you to dump her, but I would remind her that you're the same person...
  10. Anguissette mom found my plants!

    I Agree with Passiton. It's a bit harsh to want to beat your mum when you're being illegal in her home. I have no problems with growing weed obviously, but do it in your own space or dont be surprised that she's pissed. Maybe find a friend who will let you do it in their home, or indeed move...
  11. Anguissette

    In the shower- AGAIN!

    lol. ok baby. i'll make a cuppa tea if ya share your crop. :)
  12. Anguissette

    TELL ME IF IM DOING OK.. please :)

    Maybe the tinfoil? I'm new to growing myself but ut seems everyone says tinfoil is a bad idea because it causes heatspots. My hubby and I started with tinfoil but quickly changed to silver covered boards after getting advice from the good people of rollitup! I dont know enough to help ya with...
  13. Anguissette

    In the shower- AGAIN!

    Woo! cant wait! :D
  14. Anguissette

    Welcome New Members!

    Lol yeah competition would be good, i'd definately win, but lack of space means we gotta share. We've decided that i'm the project manager and he's the labourer. I'll keep track of when things should be done and who's who when the cloning starts and he's gonna do the dirty work, ie. repotting...
  15. Anguissette

    What are you SUPPOSED to be doing right now?

    I'm in the UK, Big Brothers Diary Room Uncut is on E4 right now. This is the 9th year of BB in the UK and its the best so far! :)
  16. Anguissette

    What are you SUPPOSED to be doing right now?

    I'm supposed to be stitching beads on a wedding dress for someone to collect tomorrow. Instead I'm drinking tea, reading forums and watching Big Brother...
  17. Anguissette

    Welcome New Members!

    hello everyone! I've been keeping track of my husbands grow journal on here for a while and using his account to read a bunch of stuff on here (very educational stuff!) and I figured it's about time I started my own account to interact as it's all so very exciting!. When we started growing weed...