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  1. P

    what do you think of my plants?

    lol noo in a corn field :P this is them 5 days later
  2. P

    Beercan CFL reflectors! Cheap, easy and effective! Photo how-to guide

    thats doope check out my thread please !
  3. P

    Does This Marijuana Plant look Healthy?

    well yeah i know. i started them with an LED. i dunno why everyone is asking if i'm usin a flashlight. yeah i'm using a light when the plant is clearly OUTSIDE no there actually inside i just like to put grass in my house...(i'm not mad at you at all just the other couple people that asked if i...
  4. P

    what do you think? . 3rdtimegrow 1st time actually working hard

    looking great dude keep it up man n you'll be gettin stoned as fuck soon lol
  5. P

    Does This Marijuana Plant look Healthy?

    Thanks! yeah i'm growin em outdoor but like i said to the other guy it was dark out when i took theese last night. i have 8 more and there doin good this one just didn't look good but i was thinkin about putting this one really deep cause i'v growin a couple times before but didn't know if...
  6. P

    Does This Marijuana Plant look Healthy?

    lol no i'm growin em outside but it was dark out when i took the picture
  7. P

    Does This Marijuana Plant look Healthy?

    i am growing a couple weed plants and wanted to know if this one looked healthy?