Search results

  1. ChiefSmokez

    Grow Tent vs. Closet

    Thank you all. I have a ton of space, so I think ill go with the almighty tent. 120" x 60" :)
  2. ChiefSmokez

    Autofloweirng Coco Soil Question

    Anyone know of a good auto-flowering grow guide that uses coco? Tried to search...didnt find anything.
  3. ChiefSmokez

    Grow Tent vs. Closet

    Which do you think works better... Tent or Closet? Ill be using LED's so venting wouldnt be a huge problem, and dont worry about size dimensions on either im just curious which one you guys would use.
  4. ChiefSmokez

    Hey derrr

    what up im chief, whats your name?