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  1. scottm977


    Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants using 600w. I have an extracor fan and carbon filter, can anyone advise me wether i need to buy another fan for air going in or will a desk fan be enough? I will be growing from seed and would also...
  2. scottm977

    Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants...

    Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants using 600w. I have an extracor fan and carbon filter, can anyone advise me wether i need to buy another fan for air going in or will a desk fan be enough? I will be growing from seed and would also...
  3. scottm977

    Which Type Of Soil?

    Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants using 600w. I have an extracor fan and carbon filter, can anyone advise me wether i need to buy another fan for air going in or will a desk fan be enough? I will be growing from seed and would also...
  4. scottm977

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hi, I am setting up a budda grow tent (100cmx100cmx200cm) using nft system, only doing 4 plants using 600w. I have an extracor fan and carbon filter, can anyone advise me wether i need to buy another fan for air going in or will a desk fan be enough? I will be growing from seed and would also...
  5. scottm977

    plant and buds have dried up completly!!

    this means a hydroponic bath!!!
  6. scottm977

    plant and buds have dried up completly!!

    i have 4 plants in 1 bath and one of my plants has totally dried up including the buds .!the other 3 have some leaves which have dried up but seem ok.they have only 2 weeks to go till i cut them down can anyone help???:neutral:
  7. scottm977

    uk / scotland advise ''URGENT''

    bad shit man! hope you dont get caught out mate i know how it feels i had 30 plants growing and my landlord wanted to check the heating system out i totally shat myself got away with it thou!since then i've been doing 4 at a time just incase!
  8. scottm977

    uk / scotland advise ''URGENT''

    is this a nationwide survey or only in your area as i live in fife
  9. scottm977

    ordering a growlight? (hps)

    hi i,ve ordered many grow lights on ebay it is not illegal dont worry
  10. scottm977

    light on my seeds!!!

    hi can anyone help?my two seedlings are a few centimetres tall when should i start to give them light?any help would be appriciated cheers scott:wall:
  11. scottm977

    transplanting from rockwool to tank

    hi can anyone help!i currently have 2 seeds which have sprouted in rockwool and i want to transplant them from the rockwool plugs into bigger what stage do i do this? and when does the process begin when i want to put them in to the tank with flowing water and nutes?can any one...
  12. scottm977

    hps and seeds!

    Cheers for answers by the way much appreciated : )
  13. scottm977

    hps and seeds!

    ok the seeds have been germinating in darkness for 3 days now i notice shoots coming out. How much light do they get now? Do you go straight on to 12 and 12?
  14. scottm977

    hps and seeds!

    can anyone give me some advice about using my hps 400w lights above seeds which have germinated!Can i use this type of light to grow my seeds from scratch or must i use metal halide bulbs! any help would be appriciated cheers...!:shock:
  15. scottm977

    Which Type Of Soil?

    hi which type of soil should i use when starting out with seedlings and when can i change to miracle grow if this is at all nescessary!
  16. scottm977

    Odor Control

    yeah man carbon filters are the best way to keep the smell down but they cost about 100pounds think thats 200 dollars
  17. scottm977

    Opinions Needed!!! Is This A Female??

    can i ask what kind of cfls you used as im very interested?
  18. scottm977

    feeding my plants?

    hi i,m wondering if you guys can give me advice about feeding plants!for instance how much water do i give my seedlings from the begining and wen do i start feedng the plants nutes and how much should i feed them? your,e help would be appriciated!
  19. scottm977

    when do i change from cfl to hps

    how many weeks do i keep running on cfl when growing from seedlings and when do i change to hps!
  20. scottm977

    how long do i keep my lights on for

    cheers for the info guys!!!