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  1. M

    Lansing Clinic

    Finally a clinic in Lansing that doesn't have pot leaves all over the windows. Private, discreet, and cheap! Michigan Marihuana LLC - 517-969-3555
  2. M

    ph question...

    Theres one trick I always use... Look at them. Do they look happy? :)
  3. M

    sexing help?

    Good luck! But looks questionable to me!
  4. M

    Is it ok to use HPS during veg

    I have used MH, HPS, and CFL (High Output, not the screw in kind!). I noticed minimal difference between results IMHO. Personally I like the CFL since it creates less heat in the room, and can be closer to the plants.
  5. M

    Where are all the Admin People ??

    Eliminating spam is easier said than done. From my experience with the forums I have run now and in the past I have learned it really takes some creativity and MODS with a lot of free time to help with continual cleanup and banning.
  6. M

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    Hetic day today but I have some free time tomorrow. I'll call before I head your way.
  7. M

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    It's been a while since i've been on here and since we've spoken! How is the new place? I'll have to get out to see you some time soon! Very curious how things go with the 19's. I've been gradually increasing pot size but am only using 5GAL right now, and have definitely noticed the...
  8. M

    Hey Vic, long time no talk. Hope all is well with you and the family! Sent you an email too!

    Hey Vic, long time no talk. Hope all is well with you and the family! Sent you an email too!
  9. M

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    Being a new daddy and running a small business takes a lot of time, so I was a little sad when I had to tell VV I couldn't stop by for milk and cookies until the end of the week. Thankfully due to a sudden cancellation and change in my schedule, I was able to make it out a few hours after he...