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  1. slowmo77


    sounds like everything is in a good range. whats your ppm?
  2. slowmo77


    tell us more about your setup. what type of setup? looks like DWC, water temps, ph, nutes, how often do you change your res? could be many things but they don't look to good
  3. slowmo77

    400 watt HPS for sale on Ebay Cheap

    just thought i'd share this with everyone. i found used 400watt HPS lights on ebay for $25 each. the listing says local pickup only but then it says buyer pays all shipping. i bought one and i'm waiting to hear back from the guy about shipping. they're listed under 400watt high bay lights. they...
  4. slowmo77

    Day 23 Flowering looking sad

    are they out in the open or in total darkness during lights off? if you have any light leaking in during the 12/12 it can cause them to hermie or if it's a lot of light gettin to them can keep them from flowering
  5. slowmo77

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    you can also buy a bottle of smart water to check you ph meter. it's ph'd at 7.2 and can be bought just about anywhere. 6.3 is the optimal ph for soil anything over 7 and your plant can't take up the nutes it needs. its called nute lock out. mj will not grow long if your ph is 9 i promise
  6. slowmo77

    Morphing Clones? Help

    ok i still don't understand the question. are you asking why you didn't get many buds?
  7. slowmo77

    my first grow

    if you put your light closer they won't stretch so much. they're tryin to grow closer to the light. put the light as close as you can. an easy test to make sure it's not to close is to put you hand between the light and the plants. if its to hot for your hand it's to close but with floro's and...
  8. slowmo77

    Leaves Curling Down?

    i wouldn't worry to much about it. before you water poke your fingure in the soil to make sure it's dry about an inch deep. if it's still moist let in go another day and check it
  9. slowmo77

    Morphing Clones? Help

    need more info, what do you mean by morphing
  10. slowmo77

    leaf looks like it boiled or bubbled, plant bent by itself

    your welcome wish i could have helped more
  11. slowmo77

    Newb needs advice!

    Plant nutrients are available across a range of pH with the optimal pH being 5.5 for Hydroponics and Coco Coir and a slightly higher pH of 6.3 for soil based systems. These 2 pH values represent the values that allow the plant to take up the maximal amount of all mineral elements. Go too far...
  12. slowmo77

    leaf looks like it boiled or bubbled, plant bent by itself

    i wouldn't worry to much about the leaves they do that from time to time. As long as the new growth is ok you should be fine. As far as the top goes im not sure, i've seen them do that from a lack of water but if you watered it that morning and it looked like that in the evening i have no clue...
  13. slowmo77

    germinating help

    your temps are fine, i see no need for a heater if your temp gets no lower than 75
  14. slowmo77

    Male bananas on week 7-8 - a threat?? help!!

    if you do have pollen sacks coming out of the buds chances are you've already been seeded. it takes a several weeks for seeds to mature so if you harvest now maybe the seeds will be young and small but you won't really know till either you harvest or till you calyxs pop open with seeds in them...
  15. slowmo77

    cheap 400 watt hps

    i just copied this from the web site. it has a 3 year warranty on the ballast This offer includes: Refurbished 400 Watt HPS Multi-tap ballast (wired 120v) New 400 Watt HPS Lamp 10' Lamp Cord 3' Power Cord 3 year warranty (On ballast only)
  16. slowmo77

    Some confiusion about growing and few questions

    the amount of light you need is based on how many sqft of grow area you have no on how many plants you plan to grow. 3000 to 5000 lumens per sqft is fair. for a mother plant to produce 45 clones i'll will take longer than 6 weeks of veg time i think. the length of time you veg them will most...
  17. slowmo77

    cheap 400 watt hps

    also check out $99.99 400watt hps
  18. slowmo77

    why are my leaves curling under

    did they perck up right after you turned your lights on then over the course of the day slowly start looking like this?
  19. slowmo77

    First Time Grow, Pre 98 Bubba Kush and Blue Cheese - Concerned about some leaves

    if your PH was that low i'd say thats your problem. invest in a ph tester. worth every penny
  20. slowmo77

    My leaves are curling down!! i have a pic

    my first guess would be a bigger pot.