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  1. P

    I need help please

    can someone help me with this issue?
  2. P

    Problems with leaves, roots and PH jumping (wk 7 veg) (pics)

    can anyone help me with this one?
  3. P

    Grow box conditions, ph problem please help!

    Heres my setup and my current plant which is about 3 weeks old. I just transplanted it into approximately 80% FF light warrior and about 20% FF ocean forest about 2 days ago to see if that would help her.
  4. P

    my plants hurt

    can someone give some input on this issue.
  5. P

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    can anyone diagnose this problem for me?
  6. P

    Grow box conditions, ph problem please help!

    Hello everyone, was just going to make a post to see if anyone could diagnose a problem for me. I have attempted to grow several plants but all except one just about failed. The first few I used an organic soil and the plants never really took off (probably ph issue). The second set of plants I...
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    Read This First!

    check out this cannabis plant problem maybe someone can give it a good diagnoses, I personally think its damping off.
  8. P

    Mystery Problem please help...MUST READ

    I had 4 60w, 100w equivalent cfl light bulbs with a spectrum of 6500k. Roots organic soil with lime so the ph is balanced. The plant was in my basement with lots of fans and a dehumidifier. Im not sure what caused my last two plants to fail I just woke up a shriveled up dead plant and I'm not...
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    Mystery Problem please help...MUST READ

    Hi everyone I am an indoor grower and just moved my grow box from my garage to my basement. Unfortunately the last couple of grows have not gone too well and I am seeking advise. I use roots organic potting soil with about 3 tbls of dolomite lime to keep the ph balanced. The water I use has a ph...
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    Auto Seeds berry ryder growing slow: MUST READ

    Yeah I totally fucked up with getting auto flowers, won't do that again. Hopefully unlike the last one this plant takes off. And Buds I am an adult you sound like a little child when you say things like little plants for little people...makes ya sound like your in grade school...I think were all...
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    Auto Seeds berry ryder growing slow: MUST READ

    Hi everyone, I just recently sprouted a berry ryder plant from auto seeds. Unfortunately due to low ph of soil in my last grow (was using bad soil) my other berry ryder grew very slow and had many deficiencies, so I started fresh. In this grow, I am using Roots Organic organic roots soil and I...
  12. P

    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    I just germinated, and planted my last feminized berry ryder seed I got from attitude in roots organic with some dolomite lime. Its an auto flower and from what I have heard it is best to start them off in big pots because they grow roots very quick. So hopefully this grow goes good.
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    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    I use a mix of distilled and some tap water to get the ph right at 6.8. when i measure the ph of the nutes i was using, FF grow big, and it was very low. I ended up buying roots organic soil and some dolomite lime, mixed about 1.5 table spoons per gallon of soil and planted a new seed. Does...
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    soil ph issues and dolomite lime

    Thanks man. Also I have heard that adding too much lime can not harm your plant because it is only activated when the plant needs it due to acidic soil. Is this true?
  15. P

    soil ph issues and dolomite lime

    Unfortunately after using FFOF my plants are suffering from major nute lock out. I measure the ph of the soil run off and it was very acidic right around 5.0. The FF grow big nutes I was giving my plants along with also tested a very low ph. I use distilled water to water and feed my plants. My...
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    Asking possibly every question possible....

    Will dolomite lime fix ph issues... RE::
  17. P

    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    I just measured my soil ph run off and it was right around 5.0. After researching I found out that FFOF can sometimes be very acidic. After measuring the ph of my nutes they too were right around 5.0 also very acidic. Therefore I was curious as to if adding dolomite lime to the soil, still left...
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    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    I'm using FF ocean forest, I tested my soil ph and It was 6.2.
  19. P

    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    Thanks a lot everyone really appreciate the help. FYI I am an electrical engineer, I know it requires research to accomplish something like growing fine cannabis and I did my Homework just think I didn't make smooth transitions with nutes like smacks said.
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    Whats Wrong With This Plant???

    Please help I can not figure out what is wrong with my cannabis plant. It is a bag seed and in a soil grow, heres my set up. Age: 43 days, 6 days flowered 30x30x28 Stealth Grow box with 12v 120mm pc intake fan, exhaust port, and a fan inside for circulation. 5 100w CFLs Soil: Quality Organic...