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  1. socaljoe

    socaljoe grows

    Hi all. This is my first grow journal. For a little background, I have several outdoor grows under my belt and have just recently completed my first indoor grow. I still consider myself a beginner, so I'm hoping to learn more as I go. My goal here is mainly to keep a record of how my grow...
  2. socaljoe

    Anybody care about Mayweather v. Canelo?

    Just curious if anyone here gives two craps about this fight. I'll admit I'm not the biggest boxing fan around. I've been following Canelo for a bit and like the guy, he's a good boxer. That said, I don't think he's ready for Floyd Mayweather...which was smart of Mayweather, fight him now while...
  3. socaljoe

    Lemon trees.

    Hi guys. I picked up a lemon tree today, a Dwarf Meyer to be specific. So for you citrus growers, what tips can you offer on getting the most out my new tree?
  4. socaljoe

    Royal Queen Royal Cheese

    Hi guys. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with growing the subject of this thread, Royal Queen's Royal Cheese, and if so, can you share your thoughts on it? I got this as a freebie from Herbie's and decided to pop it in a pot and see what happens. So I ran a Google search, a...
  5. socaljoe

    Outdoor container growing question.

    Hi all. I'm planning to grow outdoors in soil for my first grow this season. As plant size is an issue, I'm thinking about doing my grow in containers, probably smart pots. My question is this: if I want to keep a plant under a certain height, say 4-5 feet, what do you think my best choice...
  6. socaljoe

    Look what popped up overnight.

    I took my potted seed in last night to put in a warm place, when I woke up this morning found it standing at attention. A day out in the sun and the sprout has opened up and greened up. Strain is GHSC Super Lemon Haze.
  7. socaljoe

    First grow officially started.

    Just plunked my first seed into a glass of water. Looking forward to getting this underway. So my first grow is officially's that for counting chickens before they hatch?:-P
  8. socaljoe

    My garden for 2013.

    Hi everyone. I wanted to share some pictures of what will be my garden. At the moment everything is still pretty small, but all plants are healthy and growing quickly. Not a ton of variety right now, just a few herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers. First up is my new Apple Mint plant. Looking...
  9. socaljoe

    First order. Very pleased with Herbie's.

    I placed an order with Herbie's last Thursday, it shipped Friday, was on the west coast Saturday...then sat in customs until Wednesday. I'm super happy with Herbie's, great service. I only ordered a three pack of Super Lemon Haze, and got as many complaints here. Have a great...