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  1. D

    Would you say this was heat stress? pics to show

    The water regulation is out of my hands in a way. The auto-pot system is designed to give it the perfect wet/dry cycle. there are no pumps, or settings to be played with. Its all gravity fed.
  2. D

    Would you say this was heat stress? pics to show

    we have had some beautiful weather lately in the Uk. At times my temps rose to a max of 36c/96f during the early part of the day when my lights were on. That was at its worst, and then it wasnt for long. At a guess id say the average temp over the last 2 weeks, with lights on, has been 30 - 32...
  3. D

    Would you say this was heat stress? pics to show

    Im using an auto-pot system. So its pretty much drink when they need it,,the plants res will empty and remain dry for a very short time, then auto refills. The pots are always quite well moisture to be honest. An inch or so under the soil is always damp Pretty sure its not a problem with the...
  4. D

    Would you say this was heat stress? pics to show

    Hi once again Just wondering if anyone can confirm my problem. Im about sure its down to temp problems due to the hot either recently in the U.K. My temps soared to a max of about 32-36 on more than 1 occasion over the last 2 weeks. On 2 of the plants the leaves seem much slimmer and whimpy...
  5. D

    cuttings/heated propagation problems

    no thermostat - yes i do also think its getting to hot in there. Its quite warm here now anyway thats its summer so im gonna have a go with the propagator thats not heated. what light do you have on them? if any
  6. D

    cuttings/heated propagation problems

    Just wondering exactly how others do it. Whats inside their propagator in terms of water, soil, nothing. Just need some help
  7. D

    cuttings/heated propagation problems

    Hi lads. Im pulling my hair out here as ive wasted maybe 20 lots of cuttings. I have no problems taking the cutting, or preparing them in clonex etc etc. Ive used jiffys, rockwool and root riots. The first time I cloned successfully about 8 cuttings but since then complete failure. My...
  8. D

    ph drops when added to medium - deficiencies

    Did a serious flush about 6 days ago, when i so it had got out of hand. Its probably taken until today for them to show a slight sign of recovery. Ive got 2 kandy kush and 2 cheese in there. In soil/perlite mix (bought from hydro store), and feeding AN jungle juice 3 part. I added a little...
  9. D

    ph drops when added to medium - deficiencies

    Secondly - This is whats going on. I would greatly appreciate your help - I know there bad and i shouldnt have let them get as bad. Ive been away This is serious nute burn, right?
  10. D

    ph drops when added to medium - deficiencies

    Im using an all mix medium. aqua mix Im 4 weeks into flower and started with quite bad deficiencies. Going down the process of elimnation, to determin the cause. I always have my nutes going in PH'd spot on. Today I did a little experiment. I checked the PH of a jug of tap my tap water =...
  11. D

    How many plants

    ive got a 5x5, also with a 600w hps and I have 4 plants - 2 cheese and 2 kandy kush - and I think at a push I could squeeze 1 more plant in. Depends on strains I guess
  12. D

    Who can beat Jon Jones UFC Champ?

    Its gonna take someone in the mould of Randy Coutre. A good greco wrestler who can hold him against the cage and dirty box with him. Tire him out if possible. Then take advantage of a tired jon jones. No-one will beat the guy standing up striking, hes too rangey and clever. My opinion
  13. D

    Taking a cutting - from main stem?

    Thanks for very fast respones guys - appreciated
  14. D

    Taking a cutting - from main stem?

    Hi everyone, my first post - a question that I have searched for the answer but cant seem to find a definate answer When taking cuttings, does the branch (im cutting) need to be directly attached to the main stem - or can it be a cutting from a stem, thats branching off a stem, thats attached...