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  1. M

    The 10 dimensions

    Shit blew my mind, gets hard to 'grasp' after the 6th or 7th dimension. YouTube - Imagining the Tenth Dimension
  2. M

    Long stem help

    I germinated a seed without thinking it would work, and forgot about it. I checked back a few weeks later and it was grown so much it was sprouting out of the papertowl 2". I put it in soil and under the lights. My question is will the plant fill out the long stem, or will it continue to grow...
  3. M

    First Grow Journal

    I'm new to the grow scene but have been smoking the precious bud for almost a year now. I have been interested in growing for a long time and got a hold of some seeds to I thought I'd give it a try. I have a very large backyard, with plenty of ideal places to grow. The climate where I live...