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    Hello you poor devils!

    Well!!I am newbie on this community.It is very informtive community for discussion. I am just new in this community but im looking forward to have a great conversation or exchanging ideas with you guys.
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    Sports for fitness!!!

    Well guys!!!Sports and games is the necessary for the healthy living and healthy life style.So we should be participate in the sports and games for the physically fitness.I like these sports for keep fitness... 1 Cricket 2 football 3 Hockey 4 Golf...
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    Green crack

    Well!!I love me some Green Crack. It was the first strain I ever smoked, and I’ve been in love with the stuff ever since. As far as THC content goes, 61% isn’t necessarily IMPOSSIBLE, butit’s so highly unlikely that I’m gonna have to say that it’s BS.
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    back at the gym

    Well!!Gym is the best solution to keep fitness of the body and health.Most of the young people like the gym work for keep fitness of the body and build the muscles.So i like the gym work because it is very simple and easier solution to gain fitness of the body...
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    what are you smoking out of?

    Well!!Smoking is not good for health and fitness.So we should be avoid the smoking.Because smoking is a bad habit.It cause of the lungs cancer and diseases.So i dont like the smoking.Exercise and morning walk is the best solution to quit the smoking....