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  1. R

    growing more mass per pound..

    what does potassium actually do to the plant for it to grow a denser fruit? and would there be something you could add to create less dense fruit?
  2. R

    growing more mass per pound..

    fluffy buds that fill a bag.. lol
  3. R

    growing more mass per pound..

    ok a question which might have been answered a long time back but.. how would you go about growing a large yeild but at a lower weight... ie lower weight buds but with the mass as high as possible if that makes sense? i was thinking why people spray shit on their plants to get a larger...
  4. R

    Slow Flowering? Northern Lights (pics)

    the main stem is about the same size as a wine gum. they are just like normal bulbs that you would get from a pet shop etc.. its not the tube like the one above the seedings. ive ordered a HPS 400w Lamp, more than i wanted to spend but reading up on it it will more than pay for itself in...
  5. R

    Slow Flowering? Northern Lights (pics)

    i know ive just read up and remembered i was suppose to change the bulbs. too much smokin i guess lol.. cheers for heads up... ill post pics a few weeks after the new bulbs have been installed..
  6. R

    Slow Flowering? Northern Lights (pics)

  7. R

    Slow Flowering? Northern Lights (pics)

    the light above the little plants isn't the same.. just so you know.. using 2 pet type lights with 2x100w bulbs.. on the main plant
  8. R

    Slow Flowering? Northern Lights (pics)

    ok i expected things to take a little longer than most of what you guys expect as im using only 200w lights.but its been over 3 weeks since swapping to 12/12 and its only got to this stage... whats happening.... any advice for the slow flowering would be of great help..
  9. R

    taste of female, hermie and male

    is anyone else able to add input to this?
  10. R

    taste of female, hermie and male

    not saying i would smoke a male either but say whoever packets what u get if they were snide and mixed male and female to get more $ Per £ if they had, is there i different taste to it or does it taste the same.. what strains pr0duce a flavor that your able to determin what it is from that...
  11. R

    taste of female, hermie and male

    not sexual taste lol but when you buy from you local what sorta tastes would you associate with each plant. what sort of high? taste? how it burns? etc.. any input would be welcome. thanks
  12. R

    Is it a he or a she

    dude.. sorry... its male
  13. R

    Is it a he or a she

    i thought that but wasnt sure so was just going off some of the hairs in the pics.. a close up macro shot would be good..
  14. R

    Is it a he or a she

    from some of the pics it looks like a lady but hard to tell as its not in focus..
  15. R

    Northen Light 5 weeks

    added pics
  16. R

    Northen Light 5 weeks

    just looked it up. 1.5ml on a 4 day rota. ive got 13/14 cann when it goes into flowering.
  17. R

    Northen Light 5 weeks

    pots are 2 litres, with cann boost ph is roughly 7.2. dont know what ppm means sorry.
  18. R

    Northen Light 5 weeks

    after 5 weeks im wondering should mine be a little taller or more developed? i was planning on flowering after 8 weeks of veg? its roughly a shoe box and a bit in height. 200w bulb giving it life... i know obviously i can veg till i die but what sort of height and growth are people going...