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  1. Paper Planes

    First Grow

    They look great so far, bigger than mine were at that age.
  2. Paper Planes

    First Grow

    Thank you. Here's hoping it goes well for you too.
  3. Paper Planes

    First Grow

    I can't answer your question as I'm a noob myself, but I'm on my first grow too using MG organic soil. Your plants look great so far, and yeah I was am still am excited every time I see my babies! Link to my grow in my sig but here was the most recent group photo.
  4. Paper Planes

    My Very First

    Oh and that gallon of water in the last pic is for scale, next time I go out I will be taking a tape measure.
  5. Paper Planes

    My Very First

    Life got in the way and I haven't been updating this thread recently, but my girls are doing great! All I can say is I am very happy with my first grow so far. I'll let the pictures do the talking. :bigjoint: 6/8 6/13 6/22
  6. Paper Planes

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    Never seen stuff like this at a store, I bought it online. Yes cayenne powder reduced would work. Although it won't be nearly as hot as a concentrate.
  7. Paper Planes

    My Very First

    So today we had some very heavy rain and winds in my area. With the memory of my poor plants being toppled fresh in my mind, I went out when the weather had subsided to check for damage. I have to say getting close to my plot my heart was beating through my chest. All of that anxiety melted away...
  8. Paper Planes

    100% All Natural Pest Control

    Thanks man.
  9. Paper Planes

    100% All Natural Pest Control

    Hmm than this sounds like something I should do for outdoor crop. I read a review on the page linked by doowmd, and one said they put one of the egg cases in the fridge to be hatched later. Will that work?
  10. Paper Planes

    100% All Natural Pest Control

    I bought a thing of lady bugs and a few days later I didn't see a single live one. This looks pretty cool though, and if they'll stay longer I will see about getting an egg sack.
  11. Paper Planes

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    If the deer are hungry enough even the small ones we have in FL will hop a 6ft fence like it's not even there. The point of spraying is to make them want to avoid the area all together. Just because the spray only goes 15ft around your plot, the deer will smell it long before then. At the end of...
  12. Paper Planes

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    I spray the ground directly around the pots, then the surrounding vegetation in a 12-15ft circle all around them. As to the mulch I have never tried it, if you do report back!
  13. Paper Planes

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    If you started with a nice fine powder of quality peppers and reduced it I don't see why it wouldn't work. Then again you could always order it online. Just did a little research and it does appear that this would great for slugs, the vinegar would help too. Good luck and happy growing.
  14. Paper Planes

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    I was just mixing up a new batch of my homemade animalsthatwillfuckwithmygirls repellant, and since personalgrow and zack66 raised some good points about this in my journal I'm gonna go into a bit more detail of how I deal with it. In case you missed it here's what I said before; A lot of...
  15. Paper Planes

    My Very First

    Got up early this morning, I just had to get out and see how my ladies were doing after this recent fiasco. I am SUPER happy to report that all 6 of my young ladies are doing great! Only damage worthy of note was a dead spot that ran an inch back from the tip on a leaf of Mk3 (I assume from...
  16. Paper Planes

    2x 250watt HPS/MH or SINGLE 600watt HPS

    Adding a 150w MH would only raise your electric bill 5-8 dollars a month, would give you a good amount of the added blue spectrum you want and let you keep your current 600w HPS up and running. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  17. Paper Planes

    My Very First

    Yesterday we had some rain and wind, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary for this time of year. Went out to check on them today, to find that the wind had wreaked havoc on my poor girls. :-( Only one that survived unscathed was Mk5, which from the beginning was the most vigorous of the...
  18. Paper Planes

    need help finding a grow spot in florida!

    Well fortunately you can cross panther off the list, as there has never been a recorded attack on a human. :mrgreen: Not to mention that with an estimated 100 left you're chances of seeing one in the wild is extremely slim at best. In my opinion you need to worry most about hog, stepping on...
  19. Paper Planes

    Skywalker Og Kush 90 days/90 pictures cfl grow

    Glad I could help :mrgreen:
  20. Paper Planes

    Skywalker Og Kush 90 days/90 pictures cfl grow

    Wow man she looks great! It's awesome that you're taking a pic everyday, by far one of the coolest things I have seen here. Would be cool if you could make a .gif or something when it's over.