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  1. Manjinken

    Urine Questions

    How does one properly handle "clean urine"? In order to validly be used for a drug test without the results coming up inconclusive or them KNOWING that it was saved urine what is suggested? How long can urine be saved and used on a drug test? Can someone else's urine be used on YOUR test...
  2. Manjinken

    Subject Object Reality

    If Subject Object Reality is true, than maybe we cant die, because we only see people die because they are objects to us, but when I am the subject perhaps I can continue living in a universe absent of your objective view of me dieing. because after all we do live in a "time-space multi-verse...
  3. Manjinken

    Can we generalize the effect of being High?

    If we ever want the world to understand smoking, we all need to analyze and agree on what smoking marijuana does to your mind and simplify it for the people who don't know and don't accept it's effects on people. If I had to Analyze what Marijuana I'd say.... 90% of people who have smoked and...
  4. Manjinken

    Drink THEN Smoke

    If i simplify things before i complicate them, I make more sense. How bout you?
  5. Manjinken

    The Home Depot Gnome

    One time we me and some friends smoked and wanted to do fire wire. So we went to home depot to get some wire and steel wool. It was nightfall As we pulled up, I started bugging really bad(lol). I go to home depot almost every other day for my job, and i kept saying, "NO dude, I dont wanna go in...
  6. Manjinken

    The Home Depot Gnome

    One time we me and some friends smoked and wanted to do fire wire. So we went to home depot to get some wire and steel wool. It was nightfall As we pulled up, I started bugging really bad(lol). I go to home depot almost every other day for my job, and i kept saying, "NO dude, I dont wanna go in...
  7. Manjinken

    The Time I Punched The Bong

    .....Brian's leg hit the bong, sending it flying through the air. Time slowed. I looked at Brian as he noticed his mistake and began to fall backward. I looked at Nick as his mouth widened, arms reached out and yelled, "No MY BONG!". Pat was not paying attention or caring. Then I looked at the...
  8. Manjinken

    Resinating Nugs?

    i had an idea, but someone had told me it wouldnt work. Perhaps you can explain you me why. You know how when you smoke a joint, the roach becomes super sticky and wet. well if i build a pipe that i can place a nug or loose bud inside of a chamber, perhaps between two screens, so that all the...
  9. Manjinken

    CrAzY conversation thread!

    starts anywhere, goes anywhere..... I was thinking about john lennon's killer, and why he did it just now.
  10. Manjinken

    Online FLV converter

    i had a good one about a year ago that no longer works. Whats everyone using these days as the easiest way of saving youtubes and such?
  11. Manjinken

    Police Proof Box

    is there an online company or have you ever seen, what i would call a "police proof box". like a small container maybe bigger than a cigarette pack with a lock, so i wouldnt have to worry about cops searching me or my car. ive never run into a situation like that, what can a cop legally do if...
  12. Manjinken

    Police Proof Box

    is there an online company or have you ever seen, what i would call a "police proof box". like a small container maybe bigger than a cigarette pack with a lock, so i wouldnt have to worry about cops searching me or my car. ive never run into a situation like that, what can a cop legally do if...
  13. Manjinken

    Fly Argic Mushrooms?

    does anyone know of any experience articles on fly argic mushrooms. They are the red white dotted mushrooms, they are both toxic and psychoactive, but do not contain psylocibin, but rather i believe one or two different psychoactives. Im interested in trying to compare the effects, but ive been...
  14. Manjinken

    Post your Psychedelic Wall Posters!

    I am trying to find this certain wall poster but i cant find it online ANYWHERE. so instead of asking if anyone has it, EVERYONE POST PICS OF YOUR TRIPPY POSTERS!
  15. Manjinken

    Back when the World was High

    has anyone seen addicted the History chANNEL documentary on marijuana? its on youtube and i found it INCREDIBLY informative. I learned things i never knew or realized before. i dream of a world where marijuana grows EVERYWHERE and where everyone smokes it for recreation. turns out this...
  16. Manjinken

    Legal Bud will never be......

    better than real bud. real seeded bud will never be.... better than real sensimilla bud..... real sensimilla bud will never be better than laced bud....
  17. Manjinken

    twice a year climate?

    where in the world is there a warm year round climate that has the right conditions to have 2 growing seasons a year? or if that question is unanswered what is the best outdoor natural region for growing marijuana?
  18. Manjinken

    The Laws on Owning an Island so what do you think the laws are on owning an island? are they under jurisdiction of their region or am i good to go on buying an island for mass maryJ production?
  19. Manjinken

    Electrical fire?

    Can a HID below 100 watts be used in a regular ceramic cased light socket? I would NEVER try this, as no matter what the wattage it specifically says use only in HPS supported fixtures, I think i know someone who burned down his house like this but i have no idea what wattage he was using...
  20. Manjinken

    Getting them Bushy

    so if im gonna grow using CFL's i want the most buds i can get. i notice alot of tall skinny plants. if i grow wide bushy and tall, will it produce more buds because the branches will be wider and thus have more room too? what techniques work best for bushyness? Reflective siding? Being...