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  1. T

    Shock Ripening

    I know this is an older thread but accurate justice should be served, in terms of shock ripening fruit in general: -"Now this technique should only be used at the very end of the plant's life because this will...
  2. T

    False Seed Pod Question

    FYI everyone it's called FOXTAILING and yes, less light will prevent it. As mentioned numerous times though its not a bad thing, they are growing FURTHER and BIGGER which = MORE.
  3. T

    Sour Lemon OG- Emerald Triangle seeds

    I'm gonna go out on the limb here and say your crop got fucked up and you yielded subpar buds because of weed karma and mostly because you're a fucking douchebag. I was searching really hard for a good sour lemon og grow journal (which yours is the most non-informative crap picture show I've...