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  1. D

    Aussie Growers Thread

    The Government is no better than than the crime gangs who use bikies, criminals and guns to protect and grow their illegal drug business. The Government uses taxpayers money and the police to protect their drug revenue. The Government profits from the most deadly drug in the world, tobacco and...
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    Good head - Shame about the body!

    I did a ph on the run off and it was around 6.7. The filtered water i put in was about 7.1. I take it then my soil ph is around 6.4 or 6.5, which is supposed to be fine. If my soil ph is fine - could my plants still be suffering Nutrient lockout? Do I still need to flush? I am resigned to...
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    Good head - Shame about the body!

    Thanks for the feedback. They have only been given fertilizer at half strength once (a week or two ago) since coming inside (a month ago). It did not seem to make a noticeable difference either way. The yellowing, certainly came before that. As far as ph goes, I used a soil test kit that was a...
  4. D

    Is this legit?

    Just got my Attitude Seeds - so that's a relief! I am in a country that some Seed Banks do not deliver too, so I was nervous that it would not make it. One important consideration for me was the country the order came from. Lots of things get exported from the UK, so i felt i improved my...
  5. D

    Ok well everything is dead now going to tr again.

    You may want to try an organic seaweed application. seaweed is apparently great for seedlings and promotes root growth. I've enjoyed a good success rate So far with seeds and seedlings, but I've had lots of problems later on with my first grow.
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    Good head - Shame about the body!

    Here's some pics of my first ever grow. These poor plants have been through hell. The three were started outdoors from bagseed. They grew great outside. I treated them just like any other plant and they flourished. If there was a problem it was that they stretched a bit outside, but other than...
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    My first CFL grow.

    cats around peoples grow rooms helps explain why some smoke tastes like cat
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    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    can someone please clarify something for me. All the research I have done suggests that you should always have your CFL lights within 1-2 inches of your plants. Is that the rule 100% of the time regardless of wattage or how they are placed - vertically or horizontally? I use the large 130 watt...
  9. D

    Is this legit?

    racerboy is on the money with his suggestions. Over the past 2 months I did a stack of research and my top 3 were as he suggested - Seaofseeds, Herbies and Attitude. In the end, I went with Attitude because they're Christmas sale was too good to pass up. Here's a tip for you - many of these...
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    My first CFL grow.

    Is this your first grow ever or just your first CFL grow? either way you've done a great job so far.
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    My house is getting to smelly!

    I am no expert but from what I have read online, there are two possible non-ventilation options you can consider. 1. ONA gel as someone else mentioned. I've read heaps of good things about this stuff. 2. CFL odor eating globes ...not for the grow room but the room where the tent is situated. I...
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    Mighty bomb!! The spider mite end all be all!!!

    Just wondering, if your grow room is indoors and you start from seed and you never take your plant outside, can you still get spider mites? Prior to starting my first grow a few weeks back, I had never even heard of spider mites and I spend a reasonable amount of time in our garden growing...
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    White powder on buds. Problem? (photo included)

    Did you break the number one snorting coke in the grow room! Sorry, could not resist. I am not sure what it is, but your bud looks fantastic especially for a first grow. Well done.
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    One hell of a root

    I've just germinated some seeds in a humidity chamber and this morning moved them under a desk fluro lamp. Each seed was in a 6cm tall jiffy peat cup with soil and when I lifted the tallest seedling cup I discovered the tap root has already shot out the bottom. I just can't believe that after...
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    Purple/Red stem issues - Pictures

    Is the Lebanese strain got Purple stems? If so that's kind of fitting given many Lebanese are of Phoenetician decent and they were the first people to manufacture Purple dye. Maybe it was used to water their plants!
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    Suggestions on Grow Tents

    The following website contained a review of a number of Grow Tents - I can't vouch for their independence - but you can read and make your own mind up.
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    Understanding PAR Light - The most important light indicator

    Hi, I am new to this forum and in recent weeks I have been doing lots of reading and research. I came accross, what I feel is an excellent article on the lighting requirements of plants. I hope i am not out of line posting this and that you find it as useful as I have found much of the...
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    Using a Humidity Chamber for seed germination

    Thanks for taking the time to reply - you've been a great help
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    Forum Help Thread

    In relation to giving reputation, the icon on my skin is a Star not scales and is situated at the bottom of the post to the right of Journal this post.
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    Using a Humidity Chamber for seed germination

    Thanks for the quick reply. I may start them 4 inches away from the light as it's 130 watts and gradually get them closer and see how I go.