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  1. G

    Look what i stumbled upon...

    looking real good there bro, looks like indica to me.
  2. G

    can anyone offer me an opinion?!?!?!

    jeeze, why don't you guys leave this kid alone, he's gonna do what he wants anyway, how many of you are gonna sit there and waste your breath. besides it is only 3 plants, wich in my state (ohio) is nothing but a 100 dollar fine as long as under 100 grams, and a misdemeanor if under 200 grams...
  3. G

    My first grow, pics, comment pls

    those are looking really healthy, keep up the good work!
  4. G

    what can cause a small yield?

    from the looks of it id say you do need some better nutes, your leaves looked kinda droopy, maybe you just needed to water, i read the see more buds book, and your setup look pretty much the same. I dunno, I personally thing 2700 lumens is not enough, lumens do not add up, you just get more...
  5. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    ive seen thousands of pictures a mj and plenty wich had adaquate and even more than adaquate lighting and never saw one that was that bushy and short, there is almost no node spacing at all, even mj that grows in direct sunlight doesn't do that. Its gotta be the strain, for christ sakes he's...
  6. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    i've never see plants grow so short like that, thats amazing, i wouldnt top those short ones untill they get a foot tall, as far as the other ones go, ive topped my plants and it didnt even phase them, they mightve stressed a little but were fine, just cut a quarter inch above the node you want...
  7. G

    Grow tent ventilation question

    whats growing on? I am in the process of building a grow tent, ive built the skeleton out of some sturdy 1 1/2" pvc, there will be alot of stuff hanging from it, the dimensions are 2' x 3' x 5' , fits perfectly in my sliding door style closet, im gonna skin it with some black and white poly. the...
  8. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    yes, it allows the soil to become more saturated, wich means it will hold the water longer, which means that there will be more time for the roots to grow and develop upwards and sideways before the soil becomes to dry, the roots will tend to grow towards the areas with more moisture, i.e the...
  9. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    Some people will tell you you need bigger pots then that, but if you dont grow them more than two to two and a half feet tall, those should be fine, what you want to do is make sure your plants dont become rootbound, wich means that all the root growth is stuck at the bottom of the pot, I...
  10. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    well, thats up to you to decide if you try bending the slowly and it seems like they are going to break, then its probably to late, what i did was once the colar started to show thru the original fan leaves i started tying the top 2 down a little, then as the rest of them would catch up i would...
  11. G

    Frustrated By Ignorance, CFL Growers Read!

    Ill post back to this thread with a final pic, jjust to show what this light can do, i used 6500k for veg and now im using 2700k for flower, I can't wait to see the end result! HTG rocks, those bulbs are so cheap and the great thing is that they lose light output very slowly, Only have to...
  12. G

    Frustrated By Ignorance, CFL Growers Read!

    Yes i realize that 5000 lumens + 5000 lumens is still 5000 lumens, BUT the number of photons coming off the light is doubled, therfore more food for the plant. I think it would be safe to say that one of these would be better than one of those big envirolite type bulbs due to the design of the...
  13. G

    Are cfls right for me?

    check these lights out. High Tech Garden Supply
  14. G

    Frustrated By Ignorance, CFL Growers Read!

    Hey guys, I know there are alot of you out there, that like cfl's becase they are cheap (not really when you have to buy a bunch of them) and they stay alot coler than mh or hps wich is tru and thats why I went that way. I did alot of research on flourecent lights while i was sproutin a few...
  15. G

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    nice looking plants, never seen any that short! but that is a good thing, you will get alot of colas tightly packed, they guy a couple above me is right, you should think about LST'ing those, with using cfls the light doesnt penatrate like mh or hps to so you want to maximize the use of your...
  16. G

    Look what i stumbled upon...

    Hey bro, i've heard that using dirt from outside is a bad idea becasue you can get bugs and shit in your house from that, a bag of sterilized soil is only like 2 or 3 bucks, don't be such a cheapskate. Just trying to warn ya. Also, that light you have is not realy gonna be enough, for 2 plants...
  17. G

    Best place to get your CFL's ?

    look screw cfl's, if you want to use flourecent, im telling you, go with the t5ho fixture with either pll 55 watt or pll 80watt bulbs, their less expensive per watt, put out more lumens per watt and have a better intensity than those pig tail cfl's. ive been using a 108 watt 10,000 lumen t5ho...
  18. G

    Best place to get your CFL's ?

    as for now, yes, im doing my first grow with it, iive had it on flower for 10 days no, my node space is anywhere from 1 inch to 1/2 inch wich is really good for flourecent, ive lst'd it, wich i recommend for anyone using cfl's or flourecent unless you plan on have a cfl with a refeclector on...
  19. G

    Best place to get your CFL's ?

    I know you trying to avoid overseas stuff but im in the states and i recently picked up one of these High Tech Garden Supply if your going the way of fluorescent, i did extensive research on different floro lights and this was the best one i found, puts out the most lumens in the least amount...