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  1. NewportxPleasure


    Lol, no. Newport as in the cigarettes, but I do believe they're only available in the USA. I had an online friend from Australia who came to the US and had one and loved them so much he bought a carton every month online. Lol
  2. NewportxPleasure


    About a month old.
  3. NewportxPleasure


    Some bullshit happened with the people in my house and my shit got searched. The pigs took my plants and now I have court. I hate when people in my house start shit and act all hot, but they didn't know any better 'cause they didn't know I had my plants. So...R.I.P. my 5 plants. :cry:
  4. NewportxPleasure

    Marijuana plants like to dance

    when I'm high, I like to make my pot box. When my brother was still living with me, we had a notebook where we drew shit and jokes, things we'd said while high, then afterwards we'd be staring at the pages asking each other what the fuck all of it meant, lol. I drew a picture of this...
  5. NewportxPleasure

    Marijuana plants like to dance

    funniest shit i've ever heard. i'm dry for cash right now..but once i get some money..i'm going to try that shit, lol.
  6. NewportxPleasure

    hiding spots

    A naive question..but if you have a liscense to grow & smoke medicinal marijuana, then why do you need to hide your stash?
  7. NewportxPleasure

    hiding spots

    I use an old ring pop know, the kind that hold 30+ that you can from restaurant supply stores. Everyone I live with still thinks it has pops in it..I keep pops somewhere else for when someone asks for them. I got the idea for making it into my pot box when I was stoned one day..I made...
  8. NewportxPleasure

    Limited space indoors

    I have a space a little bigger than that [same dimensions with the exception of it being a closet, so there is a little more height] and I'm currently growing 8 plants but as a newb, I don't expect all of them to survive. I'd say in that space you could grow maybe four, depending of the...
  9. NewportxPleasure

    Another Lighting question from a newb A past thread with different suggestions =]
  10. NewportxPleasure


    They're starting to thicken up a bit, thank you =]. I switched from the slitted straw method to a wire anchor so they're getting wind on their stems, they seem to be standing straight up and not leaning on the wire. Thanks again.
  11. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    I wasn't having a shitty attitude. Too bad the way people read things online is often misinterpreted without tonal qualities in the voice. I wasn't asking what breed I have, I know that question will never be answered, that one's obvious. I was just wondering what specific breeds are considered...
  12. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    What do you mean, let them ride? Most likely, but I'm not THAT bad at taking care of plants.
  13. NewportxPleasure

    Another Lighting question from a newb

    Ugh..I know this was said already, but put the plants as close to the light as possible or they'll be stretched out as hell. My plants are only a week and a half old if that, and they're 3 inches tall already, and the stems are skinny as hell. I had to use wires to hold them up.
  14. NewportxPleasure

    My Protector

    That very wonderful of you. I constantly suggest people rescue pets. A month ago I rescued a blind cat, she's a sweetheart except she gets scared around the other cats and strikes them & growls, but she never extends her claws out when she strikes, I guess it's just a scare tactic =P And she...
  15. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    Thanks so much, the descriptions of Indica & Sativa should help me a lot when they are mature and I can indentify if they are either or. Only after smoking should I be able to determine the strain..atleast a few types that are similar so I know the quality. I should have only planted one seed...
  16. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    Ehh, I'm not really getting very good hits on google. The most informative hit I got was the definition for "Midgrade" on Urban Dictionary, LOL. Apparently midgrade is anything between schwag & chronic. As if we didn't alright know this... I found a decent website just this second though...I...
  17. NewportxPleasure


    I know, thank you. I was just wondering how long it'd take before the stems thicken up. I've had the fan on for a day now, and my poor plants keep getting blown over, that's why I'm asking.
  18. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    Stop being sarcastic. I'm not asking anyone to identify my plants. I'm just asking what strain of weed are usually sold off as "midgrade" so I have a good idea of what my plants are. that's all.
  19. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    Yeah, they're about 3 inches high. 2 weeks old..they should be a tad shorter though, mistake on my part. All of my plants are seperate strains I think, since there was only maybe 2 or 3 seeds from each batch. There are 3 of my plants that have fatter leaves, while the others have thinner leaves.
  20. NewportxPleasure

    Plant Identification

    I won't include any pictures because it's no necessary. I'm not looking for a positive indentification of my plants, just thoughts/opinions. I saved some seeds from about 3 bags of midgrade[nothing special] that I have had throughout the past six months. I planted all of them, but I didn't...