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  1. weedsmoker420420

    Ordering seeds online

    I ordered from rasta seedbank i got my order in 6 days and they sent me a tracking number i ordered a 10 pack of white widow and they sent me 5 of there frozen widow free all the seeds germinated i was worried the first 2 days because it took them a little bit to get a tracking number to me and...
  2. weedsmoker420420

    update wit pics (advice needed)

    They should pull through dude just make sure to cause as little stress as possible and stick em under light The leaves look droopy have you been watering? because it could be over watering or they could just be stressed the fuck out. Other than that i wouldnt be to sure but im sure someone with...
  3. weedsmoker420420

    hey yh the guy who supposebly ran it has dissapeared without a trace i have not heard from him...

    hey yh the guy who supposebly ran it has dissapeared without a trace i have not heard from him or received anymore free seeds i am beggining to think something sketchy has happened
  4. weedsmoker420420

    Best way to pass a drug test?

    LOL dont blame ya for not wanting to try the bleach method i wouldnt either tweekers do stupid shit
  5. weedsmoker420420

    Best way to pass a drug test?

    well ive never tried this method myself but know a few tweekers who have passed a drug test using this method im not sure it will work for weed but someones gotta try lol take a normal drinking glass of water fill it to the top with bleach then pour the bleach out (so the cup is lined with...
  6. weedsmoker420420

    main seedling might be dead...what do you think? pics included

    it might have survived but i dont think so now that you watered that much rememeber seedlings are very fragile they need to be planted fragily and they dont need alot of water just enough to keep the top moist until it gets bigger dont give up though i messed up alot of germies when i was an...
  7. weedsmoker420420

    Will they be ok???? Help!!!!!!

    they will be fine just go along with the same lighting schedule you have been but dont do anything like that when there in flowering
  8. weedsmoker420420

    Okay to water plant before night cycle?

    It is ok to water your plant before night cycle just dont overwater it overwatering 1 time is ok but try keeping the soil damp and plants love a good dry out sometimes
  9. weedsmoker420420

    Help Spider mites!!!!

    i myself have boiled a garlic clove or 2 until dissolved let the water cool and sprayed it on plants to get rid of pests its worked for me but be sure to give your plant a good rinse before cunsmumption
  10. weedsmoker420420

    grassy smell.

    well curing can take up to 5 weeks+ sometimes the grassy smell will dissapear just keep burping it like you are i just harvested a grow a little early becuase i had to move i went through the snow stayed in multiple hotels and left it curing in my jar where it froze at sometimes it had a bit of...
  11. weedsmoker420420

    What is the best light to use for my one plant? pics included.

    the best light you got there is that portable grow light 75 watt output but you should go with cfl or flourescent incandescent is a big no no ive set up a little cfl grow for 50 bux before just go to home depot get your self some 100 watt equivelents (wich use about 24 watts of energy) or 100...
  12. weedsmoker420420

    Growing and Smoking while living near a prison ???

    Thanks for the info guys ill probably be lookin for another place but ill keep the thought in mind so whats this about surveillence that doesnt sound liek anything i wanna be a aprt of
  13. weedsmoker420420

    Growing and Smoking while living near a prison ???

    Hello im thinking about moving near a prison i want to be able to grow my plants and smoke my weed in peace without telling a soul but i am worried about prisoners escaping and police knocking at my door to warn me about escaped prisoners or looking for escaped prisoners has anyone lived near a...
  14. weedsmoker420420

    1st grow 400 W air cooled. UPDATE

    amazing plants dude especially for a first grow i wish my first grow went that well exactly what nutes are you using?
  15. weedsmoker420420


    im not an advanced grower or anything but my last grow went smooth and when my plant was a seedling the lamp fell and burned the leaves and left only what can be seen in this image and it grew quite nicely into this but i cut it down early do to me moving anyways my point is that you should...
  16. weedsmoker420420

    Free Grow Software!

    Nice software man i was playing around with it i really like how it keeps track of everything it would be cool if you could upload pictures so you can view it grow from start to finish
  17. weedsmoker420420

    looking to get seed on a down low but need to know from where?

    Try Kush Central Seedshop my buddy went there and got his seeds pretty fast he gave me a few and they all germinated well