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  1. Lokocucci


    okay hydro store is that what it called? like Fish store? (Aqua store)
  2. Lokocucci

    Free Grow Software!

    still wont make it for android? =) Just askin
  3. Lokocucci


    Hello all i need find out which is the cheaper but the good too Ph test kit where can i get them not online plesae thank!
  4. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA

    Wow that is terribly. Hope they dont spray on my guerrilla plants
  5. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA sea water is rising up meaning more hurricane and flooding High Tides.
  6. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA

    I mean cmon Hurricane at mid November then became ice storm cyclone very rarely but it will be often by 2013 i am very worry about my farming Goverments stalling too much.
  7. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA

    Yes i know i argee with you the Government is biggest problem that mother nature tryin to destroy Polication. (sp?)
  8. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA

    right now we are at Peak Climate Change Season by spring of 2013 we will see action Climate Change.
  9. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA take your time and look at this see the map. Take your time and look at the map. Growers post away!
  10. Lokocucci

    Climate Change USA

    Hello this thread is for anybody that want to fend or express their option about Climate Changes happen all over USA snow/rain Hurricane/Tornado Hot/Cold Warm/Cool. (Mostly Eastern US) The weather we know since we were a kids is no more the weather currently is trying change as the mother...
  11. Lokocucci

    Plant food?

    which brand is best for Cannabis Plant food for outdoor? Any help thank you!
  12. Lokocucci

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    I wonder if anyone use hoses from water site to plant sites too? hmm O.o;
  13. Lokocucci

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    I personally use at least 3 Hoses buried in ground all way to water source (Creek) to Plants site it save time i can turn it off anytime. best cold water is Creek. ~Guerrilla Grower~
  14. Lokocucci

    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Cmon.... Cats as Cannabis Security? I use Deer Trail Cameras (8) at least. Two Pitbulls thats my setup Cats? No thanks give "that" to my wife or indoor grower.
  15. Lokocucci

    Need more info about Males

    Understood. Thank you folks for help just let yall know my dad is not very well to speak so he cant explain me anything i dont want him to overstressed on his kidneys. Thank you folks on rollitup. Youse dont know how much i am grateful for youse to help.
  16. Lokocucci

    Need more info about Males

    great! Can i just use pocket knife and cut the little bastard off and save the plant? or its impossible because it is "Male Plant"?
  17. Lokocucci

    Need more info about Males

    Understood. Do you have any pic of Males plant easily noticed? Muchas respect
  18. Lokocucci

    Need more info about Males

    How to rid of them in best explainable words. I understand that males are very hard to tell but it wont become white hair bud that how i tell? wont that be too late O.O; (Short story) Please forgive me my dad is not feel very well. hes super A+ Guerrilla grower but now he have kidney diseases...
  19. Lokocucci

    Guerillia Grower Guide

    I need a best guide available for Guerrilla Grower Outside of Calfi Thanks
  20. Lokocucci


    Gotcha wut bout pH