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  1. itztimetogrow3696

    Stem Tea

    Lmao it is a very good idea. You guys are welcome. Just make sure you make it right
  2. itztimetogrow3696

    Stem Tea

    I have about 7 grams of stems, Im sure stem tea is already on here but I was just wondering if this will be enough to make some dank tea for a buddy and I. Also wondering which method is preferred with butter and milk when making or not? Last thing will making this awesome tea make my house smell?
  3. itztimetogrow3696

    My first grow

    Wow dude that sucks so bad!!! I'm sorry. I would be pissed
  4. itztimetogrow3696

    what is this

    That is definitely not weed
  5. itztimetogrow3696

    My first grow

    No money for hps? And she looks fine now since the mishaps
  6. itztimetogrow3696

    Real newbie

    You do know if they start growing you need individual pots right?
  7. itztimetogrow3696

    My first grow

    How is she?
  8. itztimetogrow3696


    I had a very yummy ganga goodness cookie like an hour an hour ago. Just kicked in goood! :) now listenen to Bob Marley yeah good timez. Reply if you love edibles
  9. itztimetogrow3696

    Colorado Washington

    To those of you living in this state, I am sincerely jealous. That is all. SMOKE WEED!!!
  10. itztimetogrow3696

    My first grow

    She looks indica; short broad leaves. as oppossed to sativa's long and thin leaves
  11. itztimetogrow3696

    My first grow

    How is she?
  12. itztimetogrow3696

    Best of 80's movies

    Dang all of these movies being said just makes me wish it was still the 80's :(
  13. itztimetogrow3696

    Most favored way of smoking pot

    Lol fasho!!!!
  14. itztimetogrow3696

    Most favored way of smoking pot

    yes sir that is the life
  15. itztimetogrow3696

    Most favored way of smoking pot

    Gavity bong all da way!!!!
  16. itztimetogrow3696

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Lol good times. ahhhhh man i was so high last night
  17. itztimetogrow3696

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    If only if only the woodpecker sighs. those were good times
  18. itztimetogrow3696

    Best of 80's movies

    Not in order here are my favorites. keep adding to the list. 1. E.T. 2. Karate Kid 3. The Goonies 4. The Labirynth 5. Back to the Future 6. The Never Ending Story 7. Breakfast club 8. The Princess Bride 9.Willow 10. Big Trouble in Little China