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  1. elduderino10

    Days of Dark

    Thanks all for the input, I'm going camping for a couple days so I think I will try it so I don't have to worry about my room getting to warm at harvest time with the lights coming on. I cut one and trimmed it today so I will compare it with those that get the extra dark time and report back.
  2. elduderino10

    Days of Dark

    My second grow is pretty much at its end and I'm about to begin harvesting, yippee! My last harvest I gave them a couple days in the dark before harvesting, because that's what folks on here said to do. So being a newb I followed blindly, but can someone please explain the importance of these...
  3. elduderino10


    cool also when hanging I have a very dense compact bud with no room to really hang it by the stem can I use clothes pens to hold it up on my line
  4. elduderino10


    Getting ready to harvest but not all my plants are done and I want to make hash so can i save my sugar leaves and freeze them until I get all my leaves?
  5. elduderino10

    what do you think

    Jloi I have a pocket scope w/ a light, woohoo, it's 60x-100x maybe a little overkill but as I mentioned before majority are cloudy with having some still clear and amber but I think harley is taking the cake here so I think I'll give them a couple more days, see if I can get some more cloudy...
  6. elduderino10

    what do you think

    Awesome I will keep an eye on my trichs. What about calyxes and swelling?
  7. elduderino10

    what do you think

    I posted these in harvest and curing and have yet to get much feedback so please enlighten me with your opinions. I hav a pounder from auto seeds they say 70 to 80 days from seed I'm at 90+. Trichs are mostly cloudy with exception for a few amber and clear. Also a jock horror auto from nirvana...
  8. elduderino10

    newb thinks they're ready

    I have 7 different strains going which is probably counter productive but I think 2 strains are ready. The first is pounder from auto seeds, they say 70-80 days from seed, I'm over 90 days. Marginally cloudy trichs, few clear and amber. The other is an auto jock horror from sativa seedbank aka...
  9. elduderino10


    Thanks for all the advice, I'm getting excited to see the fruits of my labor! :weed:
  10. elduderino10


    I have a couple plants that are getting close to harvest judging by the trichs and time. I have yet to get some shears so figured I probably need to get on that, so anyone have any preferences, there are too many different types for me to guess what will be best. Please let me know what you use!
  11. elduderino10

    Sea of seeds help

    You've pretty much heard it all but I'm going to go ahead and agree with everbody else. I've used them three times, all like clockwork and no hassles, I think you'll find them satisfactory!
  12. elduderino10

    droopy leaves

    Crisis averted, thanks harley, let them sit for a while in the light this morning and they were LIGHT so I went ahead and watered; within a couple hours they were all perky and happy again! Thanks for the input all
  13. elduderino10

    droopy leaves

    Alright I'll give that a try I thought about freaking out and watering again tonight but Iguess I'm glad I didn't. I'll see how they look in the morning and go from there maybe try to post some pics too.
  14. elduderino10

    droopy leaves

    No nutes yesterday, usually every 3 water I feed and only between 5-7 ml as that is a little over quarter strength. Water about every 3 days depending on what they look like and how the soil feels, usually wait for the leaves to droop a little and soil to be a little arid. THats why I'm kind of...
  15. elduderino10

    droopy leaves

    Noticed just a while ago my leaves are drooping on most my plants, I watered yesterday with my ph in the mid 6's and they're in the 5th week of flowereing . I know some of you are going to want pictures but they are in their dark cycle so the best I can do is the morning. Anyone have any ideas...
  16. elduderino10

    lighting comparison

    Ok then thanks for the input all!
  17. elduderino10

    lighting comparison

    I'm getting close to finishing up with my first official successful, I've got two 400w mh/hps w/ just the winged reflectors, cheap I know, I just wanted to get one or two grows under my belt before I invested too much. So I'm thinking my room is going to obviously get warmer in the summer time...
  18. elduderino10


    Once again as mentioned before use tap water, pretty stable, sits for about 3 days ph between 6.2-6.8. I haven't checked the ppm as I don't have the pen but as far as soil ffof and light is two 400w hps so i think its a good start oh yea nutes are botanicare. check ph as mentioned no ppm meter...
  19. elduderino10


    WOW you really know your stuff, way to narrow down there for me. Temp no higher than 79 no lower than 70. water every 2-3 days depends on looks this was obviously three days and needed a drink, nute burn...really... no yellow on the leaves, tips just drying and falling off I have noticed a...
  20. elduderino10


    It is tap water that sits for usually about three days before use