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  1. 4mySoul

    Micro Pc Grow!! Done Right!!!

    BTW, the grow looked awesome and I hope it continues that way.
  2. 4mySoul

    Micro Pc Grow!! Done Right!!!

    looks sick, just gutting my old G5 comp for a mother box. Wondering how you set up the CFL's wiring, and curious as to what parts I'll need to buy. (converters? i dunno?) sorry if you already answered this earlier on or if you found the info somewhere else please direct.
  3. 4mySoul

    First grow pics

    KETAMINCLIVE, halogen bulbs aren't good for growing plants at all, so smart move getting those fluoro's.
  4. 4mySoul

    Low Ryders vs. Blue

  5. 4mySoul

    Low Ryders vs. Blue

    So this site offers many strains two of which I'm interested in... the Low Sweet Ryder and Blue . Has anyone grown these and have any knowledge to offer? One question I have is which one would grow faster. Because I'm doing an indoor op. speed is a small factor.
  6. 4mySoul

    First Time Grower, Purple Haze

    ya i commented about the pots because they are only 1/2 - 3/4 full. I don't know how much longer you're growing them for but i think you should either take them out and add more dirt, transplant to a larger pot or dig a 1.5x1.5x1.5 hole in the ground and till th earth around it. Making the hole...
  7. 4mySoul

    First Time Grower, Purple Haze

    Hey man, looking good for sure! Do you plan on putting them in the ground or transplanting to larger pots?
  8. 4mySoul


    Alright , thanks peeps! Will do.
  9. 4mySoul


    Ya sounds good all. I'll be on that. they do seem like they're growing a tad slow. Will a transplant like that really make that much of a difference seeing as they are still so small? basically what I'm saying is, wouldn't it be fine to just transplant once they are a half foot tall and maybe...
  10. 4mySoul

    Drying Outdoors For Us Who Cant Indoor

    lol. all I have to say. or not.... I should cut a deal with some neighborhood pizza shop to push my 'pizza' dried product + advertising their pizza shop. After their first toke they'll be smellin' that pizza and with that advertisement in their face will be 100% for Charlie's Pizza, at least I...
  11. 4mySoul


    K so i have these growing under two 2' fluoros and 2 4' fluoros, the 2 foot ones are growing lights the 4' are commercial, and are approximately 3" from the lights. they weren't put under the fluoros until a couple days after they sprouted. Are they going ok or should i be doing more?
  12. 4mySoul

    Drying Outdoors For Us Who Cant Indoor

    how much is able to fit in one rubbermaid/ what size is it? If a rubbermaid could only fit 1lb it would seem much easier to bring something which could be assembled as opposed to 20 rubber maid bins, no? Im talking about dry weight^^
  13. 4mySoul

    Its mama time!

    hey, lookin like good stuff. You said you had grown outdoors in NS, wanna give me some tips ? a PM would be cool .
  14. 4mySoul

    Which strain to chose for outdoor in Eastern Canada I have 4 choices

    I'm a complete noob and all my seeds germinated within 48 hours, not one lost. I soaked them in water overnight kept dark and over a mild heat source (i actually put a flat bottom bowl it on top of my modem :P) , the next day i placed each seed into soaked peat pellets approximately 0.5 cm below...
  15. 4mySoul

    Drying Outdoors For Us Who Cant Indoor

    You think that would be better than just hanging in a tent or shelter?
  16. 4mySoul

    Moving into the ground...

    I think it's whatever you prefer really... whether it be digging a hole and lining it to keep the nutrients retained or not lining and allowing for more root space.
  17. 4mySoul

    Drying crop outdoors.

    Does that sound goood 0_o ?
  18. 4mySoul

    Drying crop outdoors.

    haha "HELL FUCKING YES" so i've been thinking... Buy a tent and chuck a tarp over it to block more light. Also i would take these dehumidifiers you can buy(meant for a closet or 10x10 room) that dont require electricity and just chuck a couple of those in the tent, that way if it rains or the...
  19. 4mySoul

    Drying Outdoors For Us Who Cant Indoor

    Ya, I;m going to have more than a lb. Do you think a large tent with several battery operated fans would work well, or would you face humidity issues/bud rot etc? maybe chuck a couple of these in there Compare Eva-Dry EDV500 Dehumidifier Prices - Shop for Dehumidifiers at mySimon ... by the way...