Search results

  1. NIPbutters

    Better hot or cold?

    If you can't get a medium in between those numbers, I would suggest to go with the warmer of the two. Really either extreme will slow the growth of your plant, especially the cold, which is the one I've worked with growing outdoors. Your high isn't too terrible so I'd work with that. Really...
  2. NIPbutters

    Outdoor Flowering Question...

    That sounds about when I would believe that someone in the southern hemisphere would have an outdoor harvest. So any where south of the equator I'd say. lol correct me if I'm wrong though. NIP
  3. NIPbutters

    The little plant that "topped" itself

    the point of breeding is to attempt to make desired carcteristics more prominent, and likely; with selective breeding. So yes I'd think to attempt to breed it wheather male or female to see if you cant get offspring with the same characteristics. Depending on whether the trait is dominant or...
  4. NIPbutters

    blowing glass pieces

    Hey dude around where in upstate NY you live if you don't mind me asking. I live in upstate NY as well. For that many head shops to be that far away you have to be living outside of some urban area? Do you make bongs? I'm actually looking for something really unique that I could try my first...
  5. NIPbutters


    I'm sorry but neither of you spelled it right. It's "blackstrap molasses". Just wanted you to know exactly what to look for. NIP
  6. NIPbutters

    updated pic outdoor in ny

    Nice! I'm also outdoor in ny! hey, when did yours start flowering around, any idea? NIP
  7. NIPbutters

    A Stoners Dilema..

    I like to think of it as if it was my own crop how would I feel if one day they were just gone right around harvest. So in my opinion no I wouldn't take them. However With that quantity I do believe later on I would steal a good sized nug off maybe one of the plants. Lucky I've never faced...
  8. NIPbutters

    buying bongs....shipping?

    Hey, In the US its just fine; not to many people do it though. It's legal because they are tobacco water pipes and rolling papers. Now I have no idea about any laws or how things work in Australia though. Shouldn't be a problem though. NIP
  9. NIPbutters

    PreSex / Sex Guesses?

    yeah, thought it was still a little early but I'm still looking for good news. thanks florida girl, it's actually a new camera. lol And napalese I'll have to check that out next time I get to them, I sure would like that one female; it's my biggest plant! Still staying positive. NIP
  10. NIPbutters

    PreSex / Sex Guesses?

    Well anyone got any idea of the sex of any of these? I know it's still early and they are not in 12/12 but I'm looking to pre-sex since they are outdoor. Oh and how bout that purple, that indicate much importance? thanks. NIP
  11. NIPbutters

    Day 4 Sprouts

    Well it doesn't look to bad. Although I must say the leaves look rather odd. They look rather slender and most peculiar; the first set of true leaves are growing out parallel to the cotyledons rather then perpendicular. Rather odd to me. Plants grow at different rates based on genetics and...
  12. NIPbutters

    questions about MOLASSES

    Well don't know all the effects molasses has on maryjane but I can tell you that it is an awesome source of micro nutrients for your plant. It has to be the right kind of molasses though; black strap molasses. Other more refined molasses don't have as much nutrients. So if you have the right...
  13. NIPbutters

    good question about growth!!!!

    plants then solar panels. NIP
  14. NIPbutters

    good question about growth!!!!

    Were you dropped on your head as a child, or beaten on the head? I don't know if you smoked too much weed but last time i checked plants don't have solar panels and batteries to store that light energy like you might think. Photosynthesis occurs during the day light hours. If anything the...
  15. NIPbutters

    Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

    Sorry I just can't take any more of this steaming pile of bullshit. I know everyone loves to read stuff on the web and watch youtube crap; but haven't you learned in life that you are going to run into a lot of bullshit. Whether it's some guy preaching down the street, boss telling you it...
  16. NIPbutters

    Odd Yellowing Top Leaves

    Any ideas?
  17. NIPbutters

    any good animal repellant?

    I wouldn't suggest using the bars of soap deterrent. It may deter other animals but it attracts rats; that actually eat the soap for the fat content. Nor would I suggest gasoline; as it can actually kill other plant life including your weed plants. Lets not forget that its also damaging for...
  18. NIPbutters

    Odd Yellowing Top Leaves

    They are growing in a pot of soil. The mix is of perlite, top soil, and peat moss. I added nutes once which was miracle grow, simply because thats all i had. After i used it they showed signs of burn so i decided to not use it again and have been waiting to get better stuff. NIP
  19. NIPbutters

    Odd Yellowing Top Leaves

    Alright I've had my first plant problem and am hoping one of you might help me out. I've noticed on a couple of my plants the top leaves are starting to get a rather odd look; see pictures. These are outdoor plants in pots, bag seeds. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. NIP
  20. NIPbutters

    salvia question...

    Don't both trying to grow it, even if you smoke it you won't feel it. Go to your nearest head shop and buy a bag of salvia; that you will feel. The reason you won't feel anything you grow is because it isn't concentrated enough. When you buy it it is rated in X-- strengths to show their...