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  1. nontheist

    Liberals blind-sided by their bigotry

    One Oregon voter describes his ordeal "I didn't see it coming, it's like common sense and good judgement washed over me. I mean, I never though this could happen to me! I feel sickened with grief." Oregon voters reject drivers licenses for illegal immigrants...
  2. nontheist

    Thanks Obama and Liberals!

    For fucking up so badly that Americans believe that replacing you with bible thumping assholes is the better choice. Just wrap your head around that for one minute! I guess you guys weren’t real clear what *Americans* wanted or what needs to be done to move this nation forward. That's what's...
  3. nontheist

    Fuck Wal-mart

    If any of you have the unpleasantness of shopping at the shithole factory then you may be aware they are slowly eliminating checkers and trying to force people into self-checkout lines. Wal-mart is essentially training dumbass masses to be checker and item baggers, fucking genius! I wonder if...
  4. nontheist

    Central American Leaders point to Obama

    6 years of immigration rhetoric and for the FIRST time Obama asked central American leaders to help slow the wave of Immigrants, their reply is priceless. The two presidents placed much of the blame for the current border crisis on the United States. While they said they were working to crack...
  5. nontheist

    Armed citizen shoots gunman and saves lives

    Every time a shooting is in the news we suffer an untold amount of bullshit post from liberals and yet not a peep about this. Odd don't you think? Police Chief Donald Molineux said that “without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives.” “Without that firearm, this guy (the patient) could...
  6. nontheist

    Islamic State Warns Christians: Convert, Pay Tax, Leave Or Die

    How cosmopolitan. Mosul is a recommended destination for your next vacation. The Islamist militants, now occupying large regions of Iraq and Syria, have issued an ultimatum to the remaining Iraqi Christians in the city of Mosul: accept Islam, pay extra taxes to Islamic Sharia courts, or face...
  7. nontheist

    NBC: Obama's presidency is over

    Yep looks like the dynasty is over. As of now Obama rating are lower than post Katrina Bush. The history books will reflect the worst president on foreign policy ever. Hillary has hell of a record to stand on lol. NBC News White House correspondent Chuck Todd said “You look at the presidency...
  8. nontheist

    Hillary; Jesus says so

    If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be? At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom...
  9. nontheist

    GOP house and senate

    It looks as if the odds are in their favor. If so what's next? 2 years stagnation for shit flinging in 2016? Any foreseeable coup? Gut ACA? They need to do something over the top impressive to beat Hillary.
  10. nontheist

    Politics section getting a little radical

    Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately. lol yeah right The threads in this section revolve around...
  11. nontheist

    Big cannabis can you compete?

    This thread pertains more to the "for profit growers" but would like your opinion even if your growing only for yourself. I don't understand this delusion that top tobacco and even coffee companies are going to produce cannabis that rivals with Mexican brick weed. This has been mentioned...
  12. nontheist

    57% of Millennials disapprove of Obamacare

    Yep the young ones are jumping ship, they've seen the cost and turning on the signature law like a pit bull. Obamacare train-wreck is right on track.....choo choo..... Among the 18- to 29-year-olds currently without health insurance, less than a third say they're likely to enroll in the...
  13. nontheist

    Parallel construction, how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA

    So the NSA spying program is only concerned about terrorism right? Think again, not only do the agencies share the information they are told after receiving the information to "recreate" an investigation to obtain the information given to them legally and by no means tell anyone where the...
  14. nontheist

    Patriot Act author says Verizon snooping violates the law

    Oh man that bad press for Obama administration just doesn't stop. Sounds like what they're doing isn't legal while the administration defends it. The Patriot Act allows the federal government to get records from businesses but Mr. Sensenbrenner said it was to be used sparingly, and only if...
  15. nontheist

    NSA building seconds spy center as first finishes completion.

    The first supposedly can record everything from all voice communication down to Google searches. What's the new one in Maryland for? They're stating cyber security but that was the farce they used for the first one...
  16. nontheist

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    Smile bitches if you're using Verizon your shit is being bugged. Damn our government is finding it increasingly difficult to keep a secret of how Obama is Bush2.0. The order, a copy of which has been obtained by the Guardian, requires Verizon on an "ongoing, daily basis" to give the NSA...
  17. nontheist

    Bloomberg: Medical Marijuana Is ‘One Of The Greatest Hoaxes Of All Time’

    Fascism is a two way street, once we're done with guns and soda we will go after MMJ. Why do you libtards support this douche? “Medical, my… come on. There’s no medical,” Bloomberg said on WOR radio Friday. “This is one of the great hoaxes of all times.” But Bloomberg argued that marijuana is...
  18. nontheist

    How long before Mexico legalizes cannabis?

    I have been seeing this mom on the news that allegedly got busted with 12lbs of jane and watching how the media and politicians are leaning on the judicial system to let her go. Regardless if she is guilty aren't they getting tired of this game? While cartels destroy the country we have 18...
  19. nontheist

    Voters want special prosecutor for IRS

    Seems the American people are starting to lose faith in Obama and Eric Holder. Both his approval and trustworthiness has fallen in the last month. The scandal libtards though would go away keeps getting bigger and bigger. They have no idea how to handle a rabid media. American voters say 76 -...
  20. nontheist

    Obama admin wiretaps Associated Press

    The Justice Department secretly collected two months of telephone records for reporters and editors at The Associated Press without telling them why. So much for the most transparent government in history...