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  1. idoitmovin

    If Amber Trichomes are a sign of the cannabinoids degrading

    i've had some extremely potent stuff that was just some little dead popcorn nugs hangin off the dead plant, i sampled her throughout the final weeks of flushing and throughout drying and curing to assess her strength. was mighty tasty as i recall.....og kush.bongsmilie ......but amsterdam has...
  2. idoitmovin

    1 Plant 6 strains (GRAFTING) - 6 fold plant increase, staying in your plant llimit

    i've been wondering if i should try it with a pandora's box mom. i've heard that the grafting can be done pretty easily if you pick the right node to split. perferably a FIM'd site with 3 nodes or less on each split end would be ideal....:weed:
  3. idoitmovin

    First Grow! What do you think?

    start topping, fiming and tying your ladies down now, go grab or assemble a neat little scrog net and veg those ladies in 1-3 gal smart pot for a month or so. since you have limited space, lights, and ventilation, you'll just want to concentrate on spreading them out under a net till you get a...
  4. idoitmovin

    Tea smells like Buttered popcorn???

    new to tea and i've heard this n that about if it doesn't smell like fresh earth, then it could be bad and to throw it out if it smells putrid. this is waht i got dedicated air stone 5 gal bucket molassess big bloom mykos(suspended in a coffee filter) epsom salt been bubblin for about a week...
  5. idoitmovin

    Tea Tree ~ Marijuana miracle?

    :bigjoint:Dam! this is a bomb ass post! need to get me some tea tree oil
  6. idoitmovin

    overwatering or too much lights?

    ph problems are easily resolved with dolomite lime. mix it into your soil and let your plants tell you when they want to be watered. nothing hurts a 5 gal flush and a 3-5 day draught. ;-)
  7. idoitmovin

    using Fox Farm Products flowering stage

    agreed with black jack. get big bloom and tiger bloom or any other preferable basic 3 or 2 part plant foods found at your local grow shop. open seasame, beasty, and cha-ching are supposed to be used in conjunction with a basic nutrient regimen at certain points of your flowering period. The fox...
  8. idoitmovin

    @@@help my plant is dying help@@@@@@@@

    first problem might be your soil. have you ever thought about trying a more suitable brand?:blsmoke:
  9. idoitmovin

    What is the best growing medium you can buy at Lowe's or Home Depot?

    if you have an ACE hardware store available. go there. they will have everything you need.
  10. idoitmovin

    Is my day 49 querkle ready??

    if you pull early, you might miss out on your buds packing one the last of their weight in their final 3 wk stretch especially if you've been flushing correctly, you're leaves should start yellowing from your girls using up the rest of the chlorophyll to give out that last boost of flavor. it's...
  11. idoitmovin

    HayesYHaze 200W CFL Rubbermaid Grow.

    if you can adjust the temp to a perfect 75F 24/7. they'll love you for it. :bigjoint:
  12. idoitmovin

    How old would you guess these were

    they are from seed and look 3-4 weeks old. :blsmoke:
  13. idoitmovin

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    DAY 25: Have one mango kush in a 2"x3" scrog under a 600w LED with a 240w HO 64k T5 supplement light. turned off LED for better pics.:roll: :joint:
  14. idoitmovin

    What's the worst strain and breeder you've dealt with?

    Got a Cheesequake clone (TGA seeds) from a friend that grew next to others and stayed small for the entirety of it's 12/12, smell and potentcy was sweet and ok, but she had a weakness for pests and yield was an all time let down. Friend had same result with his as well. only problem strain i've...
  15. idoitmovin

    All bottom leaves dying?

    Agreed. my care journal also suggests the same along with possible trace element deficiency such as magnesium and calcium due to the yellowing up top as well. if you haven't flushed in a while, a suggested fix is to flush with 3x the pot size of fresh water(1 gal pot = 3 gal water). if...
  16. idoitmovin

    Grow tent Pressure

    Smoke and Coke has the right idea, Negative pressure with the vacuum made by the inline fan pulling the hot air from the top of the room, therefore pulling in any vented fresh air from near the floor or outside. if money isn't an issue, put a filter on each end for maximum efficiency. i put a...
  17. idoitmovin

    Dream Light set up

    if price wasn't an object, ive been hearing good things from illusion led and penetrator led technology with youtube to buff them both. if it actually does work like they claim, you could be a very happy grower. food for thought, LED haters save the hating for later
  18. idoitmovin

    HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

    Thank you so much for a great all natural and cheap way to effectively rid my utopia of mites for good. i'm about to go do a little exterminating.... thanks Calibuzz
  19. idoitmovin

    Oxyponics pro 6 - first grow

    If you feel like spending money, you could always go with LED lights and save the money from the ballast, hood, bulb (replace every 2-3 grows), air conditioning, and heavy ventilation equipment. ONA gel works well for the grower on a budget with little ventilation if need be for odor control if...
  20. idoitmovin

    Noobn' up the place....

    :leaf:So I've been around weed since Jr. High, but never cared enough to actually partake till recently as I have been diagnosed with Mysthenia Gravis and have been medically discharged from the Military. :finger:The stuff they had me taking to control my condition made my body hate me:-(...