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  1. P

    Aerogarden Update

    shorty shut the fuck u ur such a liar! seriusly i know who this fool is and hes the biggest looser u will ever meet cut as fuck hahaha yea u might ne a nigg butthats it ur week as fuck and u deff aint makin thousands maybe a thousand a week and pounds of weed per week yea right in ur ass...
  2. P

    is it easy to grow with the aerogarden cause i got one and i got some seeds can u just give me...

    is it easy to grow with the aerogarden cause i got one and i got some seeds can u just give me a quick breifing on how it is what steps to take and look for and when i know ther ebudding and what not see this is my first time and also can u trim the plant to make it fit inside the...