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  1. Smokster42O

    Pineapple express.. Ten more days to go

    The plants came through the grow looking very nice. 2 Thumbs up
  2. Smokster42O

    Winter So Cal Guerilla Grow!

    Hate to bust your chops but power plant is an indica so no matter when or how you harvest it won't make it more or less sativa. Or give you a sativa high. Also the nutrients in rain water have no bearing on how soon or late slow or fast a plant matures. Its all about the plants genes not salts...
  3. Smokster42O

    any suggestions first time grow plzz

    Man those t8 lights use way more energy then they are worth, plus the light output and color is basically useless to the plant for growth. Thats not to mention the heat they put out. I don't mean to bad mouth a guy but with what you have you are wasting your time, but experience will tell you...
  4. Smokster42O

    turbo klone 48 HELP!!!

    I personally don;t use nutes when I'm cloning anymore. I just pre-soak in a mild rooting solution. Too much nitrogen slows down the rooting process. But, If you must I would go for less so I'd opt for the 2.5ml micro and 5ml. bloom. JMO
  5. Smokster42O

    finger in my soil!

    I just tried the finger deal and now my finger stinks. But I could tell she was wet and ready to flower.
  6. Smokster42O

    My poor liver....

    Confucius also say 'girl who fly upside down have hairy crack up'...
  7. Smokster42O

    T5 vs LED for veg only

    I'm watching tv and they were playing that Tequila song was playing, you know the one where they play the music and everyone yells "Tequila" and Milehigh1's boobs were shaking perfectly to the music...SWEET
  8. Smokster42O

    T5 vs LED for veg only

    Some of the things you have to worry about when using the LEDS is foot print and distance. The t5ho can be placed pretty much right on top of your plants where as the Led has to be 18-24 inches above the canopy. I have personally tried both and prefer the t5s. They both keep the plants short and...
  9. Smokster42O

    Calyx or Balls?

    I ran that strain awhile back from Barneys and all the plants did weird shit. For me I got 5 different phenos out of five. I've also seen where other growers have had some weird plants from the feminized LSD seeds. Now that is not saying that all Barneys LSD seeds were unstable, but from my home...
  10. Smokster42O

    My poor liver....

    Seriously tho, the reason you are experiencing so much pain after you spit out the blood clot is because with the clot gone any air you breath is sucked over that hole and past your exposed jaw bone. That is why they tell you all the DON"T things to do. Some of the worse pain you will hopefully...
  11. Smokster42O

    My poor liver....

    Wasn't your liver that made you sick, its the codeine in your system. Old Chinese proverb say, too much pills make you throw out...
  12. Smokster42O

    My poor liver....

    Definitely a dry socket, definitely, definitely. Thats a bad deal. What you spit out was the blood clot that was sealing the hole your tooth left. Definitely. Now they may have to cut your socket to get it to bleed so that it will fill back up with blood. Smoking severely slows down healing, and...
  13. Smokster42O

    Does anyone have this? T5 Hydrofarm light and stand?

    You'ld be money better spent if you built a frame out of wood and used your money to buy a better light. A 2 bulb fixture isn't going to put out a very big foot print. Really only one row of plants in solo cups. T5s are great but your plant really needs to be right under the bulb, with the bulb...
  14. Smokster42O

    t5 vs metal halide

    T-5s make for shorter stockier plants during veg. A MH will have taller not as bushy plants. That has been my experience. I start mine under a T5HO and then after 3-5 weeks I put them under the MH. I have really seen a difference (bigger plants and more production) with this set up in my grows...
  15. Smokster42O

    day fucking three

    I have had the best germination rate by soaking the seed in a diluted mix of kelp for 10 seconds. I then take a solo cup with a 75/25 mix of coco/perlite. I fill the cup up then take a spoon size scoop out of the middle and put vermiculite in the hole. I plant the seed at 1/4" deep in the...
  16. Smokster42O

    HELP. First time grow having slight issues or serious not sure.

    It definitely looks like nitrogen toxicity, and the spots look like nute burns from splashing when watering. JMHO I would cut back on the nutrients when watering until they perk back up.