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  1. W

    Droopy Leaves and purple stems

    Last week I noticed the leaves were starting to turn upwards on the tip and getting brown in color (also on the tips). I flushed the system and added nutrients afterwards as I usually would. Three days later or so two of my plants began to wilt and the stems are turning purple. Now I notice...
  2. W

    Using Expanded Clay for the first time.

    Yeah I like the ability to move my plants around as well. Anyway, thanks a lot for the info it was very useful. I'm gonna go with the 5x5x5's.
  3. W

    Using Expanded Clay for the first time.

    I am starting a grow, Flood and Drain, with a american agritech hydro tray that is 2' by 4' wide and 5 inches deep. I plan on having 8 plants total. I want to start using expanded clay as my growing medium in stead of rockwool. This will be my first time with this grow medium. What size...