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  1. J

    Seeds question

    Thanks for the answer. :)
  2. J

    Seeds question

    I was just wondering how long does it take til I will begin to see a sproutling or something? I just want to know if I am doing it right. Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    Seeds question

    When starting from a seed, how long does it take for it to show some type of results? This is my first grow and I want to know how long til I know if I messed up or not. Thanks in advance :D
  4. J

    i seen black marijuana. why is it black insted of green?

    My dude has stuff called Black Plague and its straight black buds.
  5. J

    Need Help with Outdoor growing

    Hey guys, I need some help with a few questions about my attempt of my first outdoor grow. 1. What all will I need? 2. When do I start? (I'm in Ohio) 3. Do I need to water it? 4. Just some tips would be nice haha EDIT: or if I wanted to do a small indoor grow, what would I need?
  6. J

    I'm so new, its not even funny.

    When do start or plant the seeds? and What about watering?
  7. J

    Whats up?

    Hey, I'm really new to the whole growing thing and really look forward to doing some good growing :) Can you help me out with some tips and what I will need? Thanks and Hello :) :leaf:
  8. J

    I'm so new, its not even funny.

    Can someone point me into a direction i would like to grow outdoor but I'm clueless. Thanks :D