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  1. P

    Hey Geneticfreak i actually managed to find a seed of liquid coke og on my prescription not to...

    Hey Geneticfreak i actually managed to find a seed of liquid coke og on my prescription not to long ago, I have it going on its second week and its growing beautiful, I'm just a beginner, it would be my second batch. I could see it and it could become a monster plant, it has a lot of potential...
  2. P

    3 Word Story

    but you can
  3. P

    hey my third grow but first in coco having big problems please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems I came across this neat little list that can probably help a lot of people out. If you like it check my post in the General area...I need some help! Quick Deficiency Guide Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is...
  4. P

    Stress on Plants

    well I want to keep the plant under two feet. my growing space is really small, that's another factor I got to deal with; size. So from research and readings i decided a red cup was the best size??
  5. P

    Stress on Plants

    The one in the front is the platnium bubba, the one I'm talking about, the one on the back is a la con. But that one I just got and its been on 24hr light for a week and a half already.
  6. P

    Stress on Plants

    I just started growing and have a Plat. Bubba Indica growing indoors. Since I didn't know much about growing I started the vegetative cycle at 13 hours of light and 11 of dark. It went on for about a week and just realized that you are to have the lights on 18 to 24 hours during the vegetative...