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  1. WidowMaker79

    New toy I made

    I'm still going strong, no fatalities yet. I'm taking it slow though with T5 fluorescents. Just switched to full strength veg nutes today, so we'll see how that goes. Setup is lookin good man! Keep me posted on those Millennium clones. Ciao.
  2. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    Please watch this show. Funny stuff. SurfTheChannel - Little Mosque On The Prairie Little Mosque on the Prairie
  3. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    Plastic whores don't do it for me.
  4. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    BTW, the :joint: up here...way better:mrgreen:...and cheaper. :hump:
  5. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    It's not your military that keeps us safe, it's our foreign policy. As for the rest, well I'm sure even you realize that's bullshit.
  6. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    Of course I don't think that Mexicans are incapable of anything more that fruit picking. I just assumed that it would be more difficult to get jobs, for example in the construction industry, without papers. I worry that people are focusing their anger in the wrong places. Instead of hating on...
  7. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    What good paying jobs are illegal immigrants taking? I was under the impression that they mostly worked as housekeepers and fruit pickers. Go ask them if they think their job is good paying. Correct me if I'm wrong and undocumented Jose is making 32 dollars an hour. I might have misread...
  8. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    That's original. A real stinging slap in the face. Except, you don't see too many Canadians going out of their ways to crash your party. I wonder why that is?
  9. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    You mean China?
  10. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    Clearly you don't think globally. Most Americans can barely point to their own state on the map. In America, in the next 40 years, the Latinos will have taken over the majority. What will the Angry White Man do then?
  11. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    What are you going to do in 40 years when the whites are in the minority?
  12. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    fascist fascist fascist fascist fascist Like Angry White Men
  13. WidowMaker79

    The Angry White Man

    Though trying desperately to sound better than everyone, the Angry White Man is little more than a fascist.
  14. WidowMaker79


    check out: QuickSilverScreen - Watch Movies Online Free SurfTheChannel - Home not new but plenty...
  15. WidowMaker79

    Let's Use Correct Grammar!

    i know, i don't take it seriously. can be a little cumbersome to read though at times...
  16. WidowMaker79

    Let's Use Correct Grammar!

    I've been reading the posts today for about an hour, and here's some doozies I've come across... 1) how long will it take befor i know if i have femails? 2) Be more spacific..... 3) I bet you if you went to there mass they would welcome you with open arms. 4) Theirs a different idea.... 5)...
  17. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    good luck in november
  18. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    You are pretty much the personification of everything that's wrong with America. I couldn't be happier that I live in Canada. OBAMA '08!!!
  19. WidowMaker79

    What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?

    If your biggest concern is whether or not he puts his hand on his heart, then you'll probably vote Republican.