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  1. C

    I ordered 10x Northern lights, 10x Big bud and got 10x Hindu Kush "bonus" seeds... The order came in about 2 weeks and was well hidden inside a pair of souvenir socks.. Every seed germinated and grew..though one NL seed didn't get beyond the first cotyledon leaves as it mutated into one weird...
  2. C

    Advanced NUtrients is CHEAPER than GH...

    You can buy Jungle Juice directly form Advanced nutrients for $7.50/ 1l bottle bypassing the markup middlemen! I am currently using the 3 part Jungle Juice from AN and will post pics of my gorgeous green girls! ;-)
  3. C


    I HAVE been using the three part Jungle juice for the past 4-5 weeks... with excellent results.. strong, hardy, beautifully lush, green plants... I will post pics asap.. I bought them direct from Advanced Nutrients for $7.50/ 1l bottle.. AND they arrived a quick 2 days after ordering! To...