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  1. M

    Switching nutrient systems in middle of veg

    I didn't know it had a warrentee... lol I know u were cracking a joke but in a literal sense
  2. M

    Switching nutrient systems in middle of veg

    Foop is 100% organic athena not so much but I have a new system and not want literal shit up inside it
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    Switching nutrient systems in middle of veg

    Ok so I'm currently running foop and I'm out but I have tons of athena salts and I want to switch to athena right now ... do yall think I can just flush with RO and then switch ?
  4. M

    Gavita 1700e question

    24 to 36 inches
  5. M

    Im back and thisbis what in doing!!!!

    It's a Vornado they are dope great air flow
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    Im back and thisbis what in doing!!!!

    Been gone a while cause I couldn't figure out how to get in my account. I've upgraded the electricity in the bed room at my house and now I'm running 3000 wats from the box led! It looks amaizing. And I've created a couple bad ass strains they are in there f1 stage and they are slaying it...
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    Time to try! Need your advice!

    I got ur back I have a similar cabinet I've started at my home click on my name and check out my posts ull like what I've got going on
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    economic Led kalishnakova cabinet grow done right 1lb goal

    hey guys so I have this amaizing grow cabinet my lady and I, have been working on. I want to start an active feed/journal/blog/conversation what ever you want to call it. so every one can follow the progress, and give me advice, tips, and constructive criticism as I finish the cabinet and the...
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    Heat out doors in desert

    I currently have 20 chocalope clones in and around the garden ... so u dont think the crazy summer desert heat will demolish the plants cause indoors anything above 80 and my plants start showing signs of heat exhaustion
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    Desert heat extream summer temps

    Hey guys I live in a desert and summer gets extremely hot but I plan on growing out doors all summer. I know summers can reach extreme heat here in the desert up to 120 sometimes what's the max heat these plants can withstand out doors? I have chocolope
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    Heat out doors in desert

    Hey guys I'm in a desert area and the summer gets super hot sometimes to 120 out side but I'd like to gro out door weed plants in summer as we have tons of sun what the max heat my out door plants could handle ?
  12. M

    Ventilation setup for DIY grow cabinet

    Verry similar to what ur talking about I'm working on one myself ima start a grow journal maybe u should check it out
  13. M

    Bohemoth perpetual all-in-one armoire conversion

    Yeah there are actual albino plants
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    I'm giving growing a second chance

    Bro I've built plenty of stealth cabinets and u can put a carbon filter in use ac infinity they have super quiet fans
  15. M

    Auto 12/12
