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  1. G

    sour diesel ???

    70 days give or take. Ive found 55 days it smokes just fine....
  2. G

    ballast or bulb ?

    old warranty bought from cragslist
  3. G

    ballast or bulb ?

    right..i thought that too and opened up the ballast. its wired right.
  4. G

    ballast or bulb ?

    My ballast is a grow bright 1000w switchable and i can only get my MH bulb to light on the HPS setting and my HPS bulb wont work at all. Weird I start the ballast up on the MH setting (mh bulb) and it sits there with a faint blue glow.....i flip the switch to HPS and BINGO we have light. So, it...
  5. G

    first grow pic update

    get those lights closer my man....the two plants in the middle are real stretchy! I would even bury them stems...
  6. G

    hey how are these plants looking i really truly cant tell

    look stretchy....otherwise fine get the light as close as possible
  7. G

    How much air to move per minute???

    I section off my room with light darkening a hospital ER room only more light tight...
  8. G

    Harvesting--what to look at?

    Im sure you, like myself, have watched and read several websites and youtube videos. All good but still have that insecurity, like you said. I'll be watching this thread to get some answers myself. Goodluck planehopr
  9. G

    Can i clone these?

    I don't have links or quotes but i did some reading that they can be stored for long periods of time if done correctly. Do a GOOGLE and you will find the articles. EDIT: Google link:
  10. G

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    your wrong about me asking for them... period moving on....thanks!
  11. G

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    understand...but one big correction. I was not asking for clones! asked where to get them. No worse then asking where to get seeds.... simple polite answers would have sufficed! edit: btw....i dont have thin skin...just getting into the debate on this thread. I love this place and the much...
  12. G

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    You're is a good example of idiots jumping on a noob..... I read this forum for months before even joining! it was not my first post nor did I ask for anyone to send me anything or something stupid! I simply asked where i can get clones in a non "med" state. What the heck is wrong...
  13. G

    Can i clone these?

    Put these gals in a bubble clone machine and they are all starting to get roots!!!! :D:D
  14. G

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    Noob here...I have seen both sides of the coin on this fourm. Had a problem a week or so ago with people going over board about me asking where i can get clones....on the flip side ive had plenty of help from people here about other matters. I've learn a lot from this place and appreciate all...
  15. G

    Can i clone these?

    Im worried more about the cut of the clone then the fridge....i'll put them in the bubble cloner asap!
  16. G

    Can i clone these?

    Thanks roid..will do
  17. G

    where to get...

    yup will do that now :) thanks fellas!
  18. G

    where to get...

    I have and all but 1 turned out to be males/hermie.....thus the clone question
  19. G

    Can i clone these?

    have four of these....all have two nodes with the "tops" cut off. If the answer is yes....can i store them in the fridge in an airtight bag like below?