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  1. R

    Need a second oppinon.

    Thanks, I appreciate the responses. It hasn't been fed nutrients since the first of August, just ph'ed balanced water. I'll give it another two weeks, then I'll update this thread with yield and more pics for those who are interested. Thanks again!
  2. R

    Need a second oppinon.

    The second picture is completely unrelated to the first, I just thought I would throw it up haha. Sorry for the confusion. And if I'm correct, some strains continue to push out white pistils long past the prime harvest time, which is why I was hoping to find someone experienced enough to notice...
  3. R

    Am I wrong in thinking???????

    Waste of time? There's enough information on here to prove that opinion wrong. Believe what you want, but you can put a pc case almost anywhere without giving off suspicion, and the minimal amount of work needed is another reason why they're a great choice for first/stealth growers. That said, I...
  4. R

    Need a second oppinon.

    Haha, just being safe! ;) And I'm sure I could find a magnifying glass locally, but would it be effective? If so, any particular one better than the others?
  5. R

    Need a second oppinon.

    Hey all. I've got a question for you, regarding how much longer should be waited to pull this one. It's been flowering since the start of June, and unfortunately some of the buds have been cut off early. There isn't access to a jewellers loop, so it's being judged by what I can see. My...
  6. R

    Under watering?

    Still looking for ideas :-P Anyone?
  7. R

    simple pre-flowering question

    That'd be a male aswell. Sorry mate!
  8. R

    INto 2nd month flower, 80% orange pistils, nut burn, what will happen?

    I'm pretty sure thats just your plant going threw it's life cycle. Burning of the edges of your leaves usually comes along with nute burn, and I don't think I see any signs of it.
  9. R

    Under watering?

    Well I guess I figured out the problem. I have two more plants showing similar symptoms of the first, and it seems to be high temps. I've got an exhaust(pc fan), one pc fan blowing at the plants, and a 4" fan blowing upwards towards the lights. I don't understand how my temps are reaching high...
  10. R

    Under watering?

    I gave it the first feeding after about 2 and a half weeks. Slightly after, I noticed a bit of wilting and gave it a slight watering in fear of over watering. The next day, it seemed a lot happier. That's why I believe it was under watering and not the other way around.I think my temps were...
  11. R

    Under watering?

    The soil seems to get extremely dry rather quick, should I stick to the "put your finger an inch or two in the soil to feel for moisture" trick?
  12. R

    Under watering?

    No one? I'd really like to be able to stop this from happening again.
  13. R

    Under watering?

    I've recently had a plant die on me, which I assumed was due to under watering. Am I correct in this assumption? I watered when I thought it needed it, which would usually be every second day. I also gave it a single feeding of a local nutrient brand(30-10-10) at 1/4 strength. Light schedule has...
  14. R

    90% humidity

    What are you currently using for air circulation?
  15. R

    Lost cause?

    Hey, I've been having issues with this grow since day one. From stunted growth, to stretching, and now this. Anyone know what the reason for this could be, and is it even worth attempting to save? I've been vegging with two CFLs at 6500k, and fed it some Miracle Gro(24-8-16) at a quarter...
  16. R

    Is it too early to start flowering?

    I got a few more seedlings into the tower, and they seem to be doing fine. I'm worried about the original plant though, it doesn't seem to be doing very well at all. Any ideas on what went wrong? By the way, ignore the two growing side by side. One has been transplanted into another container.
  17. R

    want to spend money right, the first time

    Correct, make sure you know your wall output before you start buying stuff. It's most likely either going to be 120v or 240v. There are adapters available, but why bother if you don't have to?
  18. R

    Is it too early to start flowering?

    I added another CFL, but while I was out I saw these HPS bulbs. Would two be a more suitable semi-permanent setup? And I actually took those pics right after I watered, that may be why it seems so wet.
  19. R

    Is it too early to start flowering?

    Thanks for all the feedback! Here's some pics of how its doing at the moment(moved back into my PC case). I will hopefully be picking up a 400w HPS system and some nutes this week. Should I be looking at any specific brand for the nutes?
  20. R

    Is it too early to start flowering?

    I came here asking for help, not to be flamed. For those of you who actually contributed, I do appreciate the help. What do you suggest I do?