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  1. Approval

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Thats some amazing work. But how do you get the water out of each bucket?
  2. Approval

    Grow Tent with 900w 3W LED

    Yes greenline. An extra 600w or 350 w LEd would be overkill. As far as how many platn you can grow 4x4is really up to you. It's all about maximizing your space, but personally, I would go for 4 plants.
  3. Approval

    Show Off You're Grow Room

    Oh man you waited too late to flower huh?! They go through a stretch stage at the beginning of the flower cycle.
  4. Approval

    4 weeks old and yellow tips on leaves (pics)

    I just transplanted from a soil-less mix in solo cups into a top drip hydroton system. I moved from a GH 3 part 50% veg mix to a FULL strength veg mix. I also think I got some nutes on the leaves from the rings splashing and that caused a burn out, but I cut the tube housing to help the rings...
  5. Approval

    Transplanted / 4 weeks old / dropping leaves (pics)

    Transplanted 2 days ago from clear inserts inside solo cups. Moved from a half strength veg mix to a full strength veg mix. Now the drip rings are on 24/7, with 4 other plants doing just fine for the most part. 2 plants, however look really sad and are drooping significantly. Is it shock...
  6. Approval

    Need DIY humidity

    Use an air pump and and air stone in a cup of water (like a pint glass or something big.) The bubbles will help humidify your area. Especially if your using a dome or the glass is under the light.
  7. Approval

    Yellow spots!

    AHHH... I did accidentally spray with nutes as I was in the habit of spraying with water and caught myself. That's probably it
  8. Approval

    I have yellow spots on my leaves

    I have several plants that are two weeks old from seed and they are developing yellow spots on the leaves, not the edges. Are they asking for nutes? is it a zinc deficiency?
  9. Approval

    Yellow spots!

    I have yellow spots in the middle of my leaves, NOT THE EDGES!! Check it out, I don't have a clue..please and thank you!
  10. Approval

    Yellow spots. I have two week old from seed. Lots of yellow spots. Any suggestions??

    Yellow spots. I have two week old from seed. Lots of yellow spots. Any suggestions??
  11. Approval

    first time grow - need some clarification

    Black spots, some where deep brown/ orange in color. It only formed on the top layer of material of the "Sure to GROW" cubes. I've read that using rockwoll it becomes more difficult to see these disease because of the color of the cubes.
  12. Approval

    first time grow - need some clarification

    Started with 13 'sure to grow' cubes in a humidity dome. All sprouted but mold grew on nearly all the cubes. Had a few more trail errors; thought I over watered, tried not using the lid, now its not enough water. Then they start curling up and falling over? All trial errors mold developed. I...